Remember that time when newspapers and news programs shared images of folks who committed crimes to help police and keep our neighborhoods safe?
Well, the Denver Post doesn’t seem interested in that strategy. Instead, their persistent focus on keeping an image of a protestor dragging an American flag on the ground may look like support for the protesters to some folks.
Obviously, the Denver Post never endorsed the actions of the protestors. But, recent actions by the Denver Post do not look great in light of what happened.
You see, the Denver Post already ordered the Aurora Police Department to stop distributing the image due to their copyright. We just received a similar notice (through our tipline – remember to send us tips and stories).
The Denver Post did offer to let us link to their Instagram, but we do not have an Instagram. Nor do we want to link to any of their articles containing the image, as that would constitute us supporting a news organization we do not believe in.
So, we took the image of the masked protestor dragging the American flag on the ground in a brazen display of disrespect, off our website. You can still read the story it was posted with here!
We thought the Denver Post would want to help catch people who trespass and vandalize private property. What would the Denver Post do if their private property was vandalized? Would they tell the police they could not distribute a security image of the culprits?
But, no, they would rather hunt down every blog and police department who distributes or modifies their pictures. Why? Just to force people to view their content that is locked behind a paywall?
Seems like there must be a better use of time for editors at a newspaper that just “survived” another massive round of layoffs.
Especially a newspaper that harasses you three times before you leave King Soopers. Jokes aside, the Denver Post is not improving their image with these stunts.
Please do not misinterpret this story. We absolutely want to comply with copyright policies.
So, because we were asked to take their photo down, a “very good” amateur artist on our team drew this as a replacement!

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The post is a pos rag
Ms. Graciella you are correct. I stopped that paper quite some time ago even though I really enjoy reading the hard copy newspaper. Nothing but communist propaganda as are most of the newspapers today and not just the major papers, the small towns as well. I hate communism. It destroys everything we enjoy. That is their goal.
The Denver Post has always been “a good example of a bad example” in journalism. I was a journalism major in college many years ago. My journalism instructors used the Post as an example of politically biased propaganda. Sadly, there is still a hand full of sheep who rely on this rag for information. I’m proud to be among the independent thinking truth seekers who don’t buy into this brainwashing deceit. As people become more informed, their readership will diminish and leave the Post where it belongs in the antiquated heap of deceitful tabloid sensationalism.
Would you be interested in expanding on the story about your journalism instructors? We would likely publish it if you are willing to share! Feel free to contact our “Citizen Tip Line” if you are interested.