Denver, CO – Denver is issuing citations to people who are not wearing masks, and Mayor Michael Hancock is threatening to rollback reopenings.
According to CBS4, the City and County of Denver already issued approximately two dozen citations related to the mask mandate. Those cited could face up to a $999 fine.
In addition, Hancock threatened to close down businesses again if people do not social distance and follow the mask mandate.
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Hancock says the number of cases remains too high, despite declining numbers and 30 percent emergency room availability.
We expect citations to increase as the Public Health Director said on Friday that Denver will “aggressively enforce mask mandates.”
Public Health Director Bob McDonald underscored those points, noting that city officials will more aggressively enforce mask mandates, distancing and capacity requirements and more.
From The Denver Post
We highly doubt these threats and excessive potential fines are much of a deterrent to people who are tired of taking orders from the government.
It is hard to blame people for refusing to comply.
Orders from Hancock, Governor Jared Polis, and health departments across the state put hundreds of thousands out of work. People are fed up with being controlled.
Are you complying with the mask mandate? Do you believe the government has a right to tell you what to wear?
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I am not complying and the Government has no right to tell us what to wear. I am sick and tired of this tyranny. People can only take so much..
I NEVER have and NEVER will wear a mask!
DO NOT comply. There is NO law passed by the legislature that Polis has signed. Continue to go without a face diaper. When asked tell the business owner you have a medical condition exemption (written into Polis’ order). They are not allowed to ask you what it is. My spouse heard about one women who could not wear a mask after being a victim of a violent sexual assault.
Another women told him (in his business) she was having a terrible time breathing with it on because she has asthma. She had no idea there was a medical exemption.
Dear humans: face masks don’t work; the study-review was published by your very own CDC
see: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/02/18/how-are-viruses-discovered-and-identified-in-the-first-place/
These tyrants need to Resign or Be Removed!