Denver, CO – Denver has been bike lane crazy for a while. They have been eliminating traffic lanes, parking spaces, turn lanes, and anything that makes using a car a convenience in the c
Now, Colorado (even Denver) gets something that we like to call “snow.” Denver, like Colorado, also gets something that we call “cold.” Now either of these things (snow or cold) or both of them combined, make it really uncomfortable and difficult to use your bicycle. This is just common sense – something that Denver clearly doesn’t have. This is why adding bike lanes while eliminating traffic lanes and parking for cars is just idiotic!
Of course, this is part of the larger green agenda. The green agenda that controls citizens by dictating what means of transportation they can use. Only all-electric cars, bicycles, public transit, or your feet are allowed. The problem is Americans like their cars, and without viable public transportation outside of the liberal elite cities on the East Coast, cars are essential. But even with decent public transportation, citizens should have the option to use a car.
But we digress, let’s get back to what Denver is up to. Yep, they’re eliminating more traffic and turn lanes. This is for both cyclists and public transportation. That’s great [sarcasm], considering it’s already faster to walk through the downtown area versus using your car. Now it’s going to get worse.
So if you travel down 15th Street (15th is a main westbound downtown street) or down 17th Street (a main e
How do we know this will make traffic worse? Well, northbound Lincoln Street (the main northbound artery into Downtown that isn’t I-25) and southbound Broadway are perfect examples. These two streets were bad, and then Denver decided to take away a car lane, add bike lanes, and then convert a bus lane into a permanent bus lane. The result: gridlock and adding about 22 minutes each way during rush hour. (FYI: this is non-scientific and based on experience from staff).
We expect the same issues on 17th and 15th Streets. These streets also connect to Broadway and Lincoln. Yeah, Denver is going to get worse on the commute and during non-rush hours.
With the upcoming additional taxes on businesses and residents, and the longer commute, less parking, and other Denver stuff, expect to see a max exodus of businesses from Downtown Denver.
Denver, you are your own worst enemy. Did we mention the city is run by liberals?
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