Denver, CO – Denver cracked down on mask mandate violations over the weekend. Will Governor Jared Polis follow suit and call for more aggressive enforcement?
It is definitely possible.
Democrat-controlled cities and counties have been giving Polis cover since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Polis waited until multiple counties and municipalities issued shutdown orders before issuing his own statewide shutdown order. He also waited for the majority of Democrat-controlled counties and municipalities to issue mask mandates before he issued his own statewide mandate.
This is a clear pattern.
As such, we would not be surprised if Polis called for more aggressive enforcement of his mask mandate. The last thing Polis wants is to lose control of the people after he appointed himself king.
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Polis would have to stop humping his boyfriend’s leg, long enough, to worry about non-mask wearing children.
The US Constitution protects all citizens against this draconian tyranny. You have the right to shoot and defend yourself if these rogue nazi SS agents for the governor insist on taking away your constitutional rights.
JusT tell them ” I can’t breathe”…
it is about control, more control, ultimate control, they will not let up, they have most doing the polis now. There seems to be little challenge to nero, aka polis suppression of “We the people. I have not seen any reference to the guidelines the Surgeon General stated 16 weeks ago. My own personal poll when I do talk to people is 90% do not even know who the Surgeon General is. I saw 1 “news” outlet show part of an interview, but it was edited and changed the actual message to the opposite to what was really said, if I had not seen the original, I would have not known. The simple message was if sick, or think you are sick stay home, if after 3 days you are not getting better contact your med provider, ask friends to get things you need, if you have no options and need to go out find a surgical mask to wear, as they are the only ones that will contain the vapor ( where the virus resides) a person expels when breathing, they are hard to find unless you have access to medical supplies , doctor, dentist, 99% of mask worn are of no use,and prolong wearing of mask will cause breathing problems, just remember most masks are were made in china. This chinese virus that “escaped” from a military lab in china, then the lab burned down, and when a person was about to say something about what happen, they disappeared. This has been a boon to the liberals to destroy our economy, as well as take control of the people, they will every thing they can to gain control, divide, turn people against each other in this country. so either we take on polis and his aberration or continue to do the polis, think about it
Several counties have already said they are not enforcing Polis’ mask mandate. If he chooses to get even more hard line on it I think more counties will follow suit. People have had it with the face diapers. And the virus stats continue to decline by the day, so it is definitely not cooperating with Polis and the Dems plan for a second state wide shut down.
Very tight-fitting clean bluejeans plus cotton underwear won’t contain a malodorous bean fart. So how can any dirty loose ill-fitting bandana face diaper stop the virus?
Pueblo county has suffered 34 arguably virus deaths all (but one) elderly with bad co-morbidities and over half in nursing homes. Do some 4th grade math to compare DEATH RATE Pueblo Cty pop 165,000 with 675,000 USA deaths from 1918 flu when America’s total population was 90 million.
Bottom line– this virus to date in Pueblo County is about 36 times LESS LIKELY to kill you than 1918 Flu even if all co-morbidity deaths are blamed on it…