You may have noticed that we’ve been writing a lot about the Denver City government. Commie Candi CdeBaca is one of our “favorite” topics because she is so far out there while embodying the thoughts of the left. Everyone covers AOC, so we’re going to keep you updated on Candi! Here are some links to other Commie Candi articles (HERE), (HERE), (HERE), (HERE), and (HERE).
Well, Commie Candi’s Finance & Government Council Subcommittee will have a hearing tomorrow for a proposed new tax on businesses. This proposal is sponsored by 7 of the 13 City Council members. So if you think that Candi CdeBaca is an outlier for Democrats, you would be wrong – she’s part of the majority.
The new tax does this: the rate would be 6 cents per kilowatt on electricity and 7 cents per therm of natural gas use. To them, oil and gas is the ultimate boogeyman, but they’re missing something. We’re hesitant to tell them that electricity is also powered by natural gas before it gets to the user – hopefully, they won’t read this and start taxing upstream as well.
They, of course, expect this to generate $43 million in tax revenue a year from businesses. That’s assuming this isn’t the final tipping point for business to leave Denver proper, causing a decrease in tax revenue. Our socialist friends on the City Council obviously don’t understand basic economics.
This is a proposed ballot initiative, but we expect this is a done deal. Denver residents seem to like to legalize mushrooms, require green roofs, and support most tax increases put on the ballot.
To add insult to injury, another bill being proposed is the creation of the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency. Yeah, more government and green religion. We wonder how much this will cost to staff. Not to mention Denver City Council President Jolon Clark says this is to comply with the Paris Climate Accord (which the US pulled out of).
“This is Denver’s commitment to ensuring we live up to our Paris Agreement promise, meet the science-based targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions, and protect the planet for future generations.”
City Council President Jolon Clark, The Denver Post August 9, 2019
This is so bad that even Mayor Michael Hancock is opposed. Yeah, the guy who The Denver Post reporter Mark Harden points out: “In July 2018, Hancock unveiled a “80×50 Climate Action Plan” for the city, calling for Denver to use 100% renewable energy in city facilities by 2025 and citywide by 2030. It also called for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions in Denver by 80% below 2005 levels by 2050.”
So pretty much the Denver City Council majority has gone farther left than the far-left. If you live in Denver, we have one question: why? Answer in the comments below!
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