Denver, CO – Denver businesses are boarding up their storefronts, and one owner says, “The last time, they kicked in the front door.”
According to Sole St. Shoes owner, Zach Monks, rioters kicked in the front door of his store while looting it for the fourth time in the last five months. Those rioters and looters are responsible for stealing $140,000 in merchandise from his business.
“I think regardless of who wins, it could be a possibility of people being upset or celebrating. I mean, who knows?” Monks said.
From FOX31
Monks says Denver police reached out to him and other business owners, warning of possible social unrest starting Nov. 3.
Some businesses are hiring security to handle potential likely unrest on and after election day.
The fact that Denver businesses are in a position where they must board up storefronts and hire security is a failure by leadership in Denver. Politicians and unelected bureaucrats already forced them to close due to shutdown orders.
That failure rests on the Denver City Council, Mayor Michael Hancock, the elected legislators, and Governor Jared Polis. These politicians failed to consistently condemn violent riots in Denver.
Why is this the case?
Well, the people responsible for the majority (all) of the violence in Denver are their supporters or non-voters tied to their supporters. By condemning these people, they risk losing a vocal section of their supporters.
That is why politicians in Denver, and Democrats across Colorado, are giving rioters and looters a pass.
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the old adage is “you reap what you sow”, but the liberal/socialist do not care about the real tax payers in denver. Those responsible for the destruction, vandalism, looting are those that do not pay taxes, of which 98% are are part of the liberal/socialist base. The reason why none of the elected liberal/socialist never condemn their actions. The sooner business realize this, and decide, that maybe they need to move out side denver’s taxing districts, the better off they will be, maybe even safer. When businesses leave the denver taxing districts , the city looses revenue, economics 101 cut off the revenue may be the mayor, city council might take notice, but I suspect not, thus back to my statement they do not care, they would rather support the looting, destroying terrorist, than hold them accountable for what they do, sad. To offset the cost of repairs they will raise taxes on those who actually pay taxes. The citizens of denver need to stand up to being used and abused, or just continue doing the polis, the residents of denver need to decide for them selves, instead of all ways being sheep.
Denver doesn’t get in the national news media for the same thing Philadelphia, Seattle, Chicago and other Dimoratic run cities and states get. Colorado used to be red and then the Dims took over when people escaped Californis and moved in and Denver is now in the same boat as the referenced cities. I sincerly doubt that the Republicans will run amock if Trump wins with their celebration. Republicns have no Antifa and no BLM or radical leftists supporting them as do the Dims. However, I can see the Dims destroying anything and everything in their wake if Harris/Biden ticket loses. Dims equal civil unrest while Repubs equal law and order. What makes this country great and it ain’t the left?
Denver doesn’t get in the national news media for the same thing Philadelphia, Seattle, Chicago and other Dimoratic run cities and states get. Colorado used to be red and then the Dims took over when people escaped Californis and moved in and Denver is now in the same boat as the referenced cities. I sincerly doubt that the Republicans will run amock if Trump wins with their celebration. Republicns have no Antifa and no BLM or radical leftists supporting them as do the Dims. However, I can see the Dims destroying anything and everything in their wake if Harris/Biden ticket loses. Dims equal civil unrest while Repubs equal law and order. What makes this country great and it ain’t the left?