Coloradans need to take a look in the mirror and decide what we really want our state to look like.
Back in November voters turned away socialism and the progressive Initiatives on the ballot while voting to give progressives complete control of Colorado’s government.
Now, voters may face the consequences of playing it both ways.
After all, there’s no use in voting down socialism, and the progressive agenda when the candidates voted into office move forward with their radicall agenda anyway.
As we’ve lined out in the past, we would expect to see the very ballot initiatives defeated in November to breeze through the completely Democrat-run legislature.
One such measure is SB19-181, adding new regulations on the oil and gas industry in Colorado. From the look of things, it’s getting rammed through.
The bill was introduced late last Friday by Rep. KC Becker and Sen. Stephen
Back from the Election graveyard
SB19-181 is the Democrat’s attempt to grasp at failed Prop 112 from the last election — an initiative that would have restricted 85 percent of nonfederal land for development, and cost an estimated 43,000 jobs the first year and 147,000 by 2030.
It also would have vastly increased restrictions for new oil and gas development from 500 feet from homes and businesses, to 2,500 feet.
Not one high-ranking Democrat would touch this initiative with a 20-foot pole during the election — except for Rep. KC Becker.
Backdoor oil ban
Becker’s bill doesn’t even have a summary written yet and is already pre-destined to make it to Polis’ desk in record time.
The bill shifts regulatory oversight from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to local jurisdictions, and claims to change the commission’s mission to promote the health, safety, and environment.
In an article by the Greeley Tribune, Rep. Becker says it’s intended to update laws that haven’t been touched in 60
That phrase, “common sense” always seems to follow Democrats around when they talk policy – like “common sense” gun control.
Democrats try to downplay the extent of their agenda by this, and it’s a way for us to know that it’s actually quite radical.
Liberalism is on the r
Then they will set forth their own “Green New Deal” to overhaul the energy industry to 100% renewable.
Giving localities the authority to dictate the policy will guarantee stricter and more expensive regulations, and even complete fracking bans. It will also surely push the oil industry out of Colorado affecting employment and our economy.
How much more can we lose?
It’s hard to imagine where the Democrat majority will strike next.
They have passed the National Popular Vote which would forfeit Colorado’s Electoral votes to the popular vote winner, potentially stealing an election, they’re in the process of passing even more radical gun control, and are forcing gay sex education in our schools without the consent of parents.
If Colorado conservatives don’t stand up soon, then we won’t even recognize our state after the Democrats are done with it.

The writer acts as if right wing nut balls run the state. Nope. This is a purple state and both sides of the aisle share power. The partisan slanted message the writer attempts to convey rings false with at least half of us. Get used to it, liberals are here to stay, whether you like it or not.
Shame that Ed focuses on the political side of things instead of the actual information in the article. His insistence on this must mean that he voted for, and was butthurt, when prop 112 was defeated and is thrilled that the liberals are in the process of FORCING it on us, even after the majority of the citizens clearly said NO.
The people already voted no to this.. please stop trying to ruin the state of Colorado. Go back to California if you want big government. Oh and thanks for giving away our electoral college votes.