Denver, CO – Democrats unanimously rejected two opportunities to protect innocent lives.
The House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee ironically “killed” two bills that would protect innocent lives. This committee is designated to “kill” good common sense bills for House Democrat Leadership, and they did the bidding of their far-left-wing masters.
The first bill, HB20-1068 Born Alive Child Physician Relationship, sponsored by Representative Shane Sandridge (R-Colorado Springs), was killed first. Sandridge sums up his bill in one very accurate sentence:
“It’s not an abortion bill,” said Rep. Shane Sandridge, R-Colorado Springs, the sponsor of a bill to hold doctors liable for failing to render aid in a live birth during an abortion. “It’s a murder bill.”
Joey Bunch, Colorado Politics, Feb 12, 2020
The vast majority of Colorado agrees that killing a live baby is just plain wrong. The Democrats didn’t get the memo. The question is: will voters get the memo in 2020?
The second bill, HB20-1098, sought to ban abortions after 22 weeks of pregnancy. Even the most ardent abortionists know that this is a living and breathing human being at 22 weeks.
This is a dreadful week for children at the State Capitol. This same committee is expected to kill another bill by Sandridge that protects children from mutilation and sterilization by their parents.
Do the Democrats have credibility when they say they care about children? What say you, readers? Please post your comments below and on social media.
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