This one comes from our local NPR station, known as CPR – their reporting will leave you breathless (If you don’t get the joke, then there’s no need to read the article). Our activist Attorney General Phil Weiser (who looks a little like Milhouse from the Simpsons), has joined another lawsuit against the Trump Administration.

This time, they’re going after Religious Liberty – because they chose to only read the parts of the 1st Amendment that they like. 1st Amendment printed here, it’s a long one:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Quick synopsis: Trump administration says states must allow religious conscience exemption (meaning if you don’t morally agree with a medical procedure, then you don’t have to do it), or you won’t get federal funds. This should be a great thing saying that freedom prevails in America…but, wait for it…
…The Democrats hate freedom, they like total control, and they really don’t like Christians. So they’re suing to not have the new rule enforced. Our Attorney General is filing suit using our tax dollars, to take away people’s right of conscience – let’s just say rights here.
The article also talks about how Weiser will defend the “take your gun without cause bill” AKA Red Flag. Yeah, if this doesn’t make your blood boil, we have plenty of other articles on our website that will!
Score: Freedom good, liberty good, Democrats bad.
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