Denver, CO – Democrats rushed the forced vaccination bill through the Colorado State House on Wednesday, June 10, 2020.
Senate Bill 163 creates a one-size-fits-all exemption form for vaccines with a database for exemptions, forces schools to collect and publish data on student vaccination rates, and requires medical professionals to sign off on exemptions.
Colorado Citizen Press
It is an outright attack on healthcare freedom for families, and it may put your family physician at risk.
Democrats snuck the bill through committee on Sunday and threw transparency out the window by limiting testimony on the bill.
As many of you know, committee testimony on controversial bills can last well over 10 hours. However, Democrats only allowed Coloradans on either side to testify for a total of 90 minutes.
So, Democrats (this is not the first time) undermined the process and silenced Colorado voters. This is despite thousands of protesters gathering on the steps of the capitol to oppose the bill.
Democrats in control of the legislature believe they know what is best for you and your children. So does Governor Jared Polis, who voiced support for the bill before the legislature took a break due to the COVID-19 disaster.
It will soon be sent to his desk to sign into law.
Now, we call it a disaster because Polis ruined Colorado’s economy, forced hundreds of thousands out of work, and cost Colorado billions of dollars. Polis’ executive orders picking winners and losers made sure of that.
Unfortunately, your right to open your business is not the only freedom Polis and his cronies in the legislature intend to take away in 2020.
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1. King Polis and his out of control Democrat cronies are going to be sued for this infringement of religious liberty rights of parents to choose what is best for their child.
2. Get your children OUT of the cesspool of public education if at all possible.
RFK Jr from Childrens Health Defense group, on the Colorado capitol steps. The full length video is available on HighwireLive website.
A must watch video. You’ll be shocked to learn the real reasons they have to rush bills like this through. RFK Jr is a hero of our time.
Organize against the tyranny of the medical industrial complex at http://www.nvic.org
Here is a copy of the NVIC call to action email on the matter.
URGENT ACTION ALERT: SB 163 School Entry Immunization
Dear Colorado Friends of NVIC,
Even though Colorado is still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing protests at the state capitol, SB 163 sponsored by Representative Mullica has been scheduled for a hearing on Sunday, June 7 th at 12:00 PM in the House Health and Insurance Committee.
It is wrong for leadership at the Colorado Legislature to support advancing one of this session’s most controversial bills on a Sunday, during a pandemic and unprecedented civil unrest. The committee chair who supports holding this hearing was quoted as saying she would not be “held hostage” by a vocal minority. Legislative leadership should not move this bill at this time. However, we need to assume this hearing is happening and the bill could advance to the full house for final passage, so your action is needed to stop SB 163.
SB 163 discriminates against parents who choose not to have their child vaccinated with every single dose of vaccines currently required for school by forcing these families to be subjected to state mandated reeducation or a visit with a vaccine provider to have their religious or personal beliefs validated. This also applies to all vaccines required in the future, including a possible COVID-19 vaccine. The bill forces these families into a state tracking system with no informed consent or privacy protections that can and will be used for public health surveillance and interventions. The bill also creates additional, costly burdens for schools. The most recent version of SB 163 is available here.
Please sign in to the NVIC Advocacy Portal at http://NVICAdvocacy.org for details on attending the hearing, giving testimony, and contacting your legislators to OPPOSE SB 163!
NVIC Advocacy Team
National Vaccine Information Center
http://NVIC.org and http://NVICAdvocacy.org https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Members/ContactUs.aspx
It’s not a forced vaccination bill… So there’s only a couple answers to this garbage article. You either read it and don’t have the first clue what the bill entails, or you didn’t read it at all. Either way this article is garbage and pedals in all kinds of falsehoods. Oh, win an election if you want political clout in this very blue state. Bet you won’t though.