to keep it if there is a federal repeal
Denver, CO – Democrats are locking in Obamacare in Colorado. Senate Bill 20-156 seeks to burn Obamacare in Colorado State Statute. At the same time, it puts more mandates on Colorado insurers. Expect healthcare costs to continue skyrocketing.
Democrats are claiming this will ONLY cost about $1 million per year. However, historically when the Democrats tinker with health insurance and medicare expansion like they did in 2013, the price tag is at least four times that amount.
The legislation also mandates ADDITIONAL mandatory coverage, items that Obamacare DOESN’T cover. This includes urinary incontinence and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. This bill will be the gift that keeps on giving.
The bill sponsors are Senators Brittany Pettersen and Dominick Moreno. They are joined by State Representatives Kyle Mullica and Daneya Esgar who is in a competitive seat in Pueblo. Apparently, Esgar doesn’t care, her far-left philosophy trumps all else.
Folks, this is just another move to inch us towards single-payer healthcare, also known as socialized medicine. Bernie Sanders may win the Democratic Primary here on Tuesday, but his brand of socialism is already here.
What do you think about socialized healthcare? Do you like Obamacare? How do you like the Democrats spending your tax dollars while increasing your healthcare costs? Please post your comments below and on our social media.
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We gotta get them out.
Please research and publish an article on the actual cost of Obamacare/Medicaid since it was enacted in Colorado and its impact on the State budget. If people really knew how much it has cost Colorado taxpayers and why we do not have enough money for roads, then maybe these lawmakers would be voted out. Also, it would be interesting to see where money raised from the Lottery, marijuana sales, hospital fees, vehicle registration fees, and other fees enacted to bypass Tabor have gone. Colorado taxpayers deserve transparency and accountability.
No! This is a terrible idea. Single-payer healthcare does not work. Obamacare was/is a disaster. I pray this does not pass.
We don’t want it!! Why aren’t they listening to what the people want?!
That will be cost prohibitive…. but I’m sure the Gov. know how to steal the money to make it happen an any cost to the voters and taxpayers….. Turn the state back to Red before it’s totally ruined….