Denver, CO – Democrats in the Colorado State Legislature demanded Governor Jared Polis seize indefinite control of the housing market on March 25, 2020.
A letter signed by Democrats in the General Assembly, local elected officials, and “organizational supporters” (progressive/socialist groups) contains the demands. It was sent in response to Polis’ Executive Order D 2020-012.
The order directs government entities to interfere with rent, mortgages, and utility companies.
However, Polis’ order to interfere in the free market did not go far enough for many Democrats in the Colorado State House and Senate. They demanded mandates to freeze rent, mortgages, and utility payments, mandates to completely halt evictions, prohibitions on late fees for past-due rent and mortgages, and an order staying foreclosure filings and proceedings.
One of the demands even appears to provide protections for illegal aliens, though it is not explicitly stated.
Even more egregious, they are demanding that this executive order remains in place INDEFINITELY. They want to seize control of the housing market with no set timeline for when the government will give up control.
Furthermore, the letter does not request the demanded executive order only apply to the unemployed. It appears they want to exercise government control across the board.
Folks, these are elected officials who want to seize total control of PRIVATE companies for an extended period of time. There is no other way to put it – this is communism.
Colorado is represented by socialist Democrats demanding the Governor of Colorado enact communist executive orders.
Once these executive powers are used once, it becomes easier and easier to implement them until they become routine. Our country was founded on principles of individual responsibility, not totalitarian government control.
Relying on government mandates risks expanding regulatory powers of the state government in times of lesser or even no crisis.
These elected officials and progressive groups actually want to give the State of Colorado indefinite control over the free market – no limits, no checks, and no balances.
None of this is supported by the Constitution.
We have one more important question before we wrap this up, so bear with us.
Why was this not reported by the media?
Perhaps more importantly, why was this demand by State Representatives and Senators not reported by the media?
Republicans at every level of government are being shouted down and called “obstructive.” When Republicans in Douglas County wrote a letter to their County Commissioners asking them to exit an agreement that placed the county under a public health order (with the power of law) put in place by UNELECTED bureaucrats, it was widely reported. Some unscrupulous “reporters” even took it a step further, making comments that cast these ELECTED officials in a negative light.
Yet, when Democrats in the State House and Senate make demands that Polis seize control of the housing market, we do not hear a thing. We find it hard to believe nobody was informed of this considering our little conservative news blog recently received a tip.
We suppose the Polis administration could have tried covering it up, much like the unflattering news stories regarding Polis that the administration attempted to have unpublished.
If the mainstream media wants to be taken seriously, they are obligated to cover this bombshell of a letter. If they want to even pretend they are not complicit, they will write about this demanded abuse of power by Democrat elected officials.
We won’t hold our breath.
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Looking at the pictures above, I can see why God created men to be the leaders.
Exactly what I was thinking, Leslie.
Names, please. Who ARE these elected officials who are wannabe dictators?? Were they all women as insinuated by the photos of (presumed) females only? This is exactly why this whole shut down scenario is so very very dangerous. They have discovered how easy it is to shut us down and command and control us. ALL these women and other Democrats need to be voted out NOW!!!!
Trudi, the third person on the right, long brown hair is a biological man pretending to be a woman. Not sure if he still has his twig and berries parts or not. But he for sure he looks like a cross dressing man with XY DNA (which he can never change no matter what he hacks off, add on, or covers up with make up).
This is very strange. How come all of the Demoncrats shown are women? Were there no men who also signed this ridiculous (and dangerous) letter to implement an autocratic, Communist-style control of housing in our state? It’s hard to believe that we have so many elected officials (including King Jared) who hate freedom, capitalism, and other values that our state typified (at least, in the past). They’re trying their hardest to turn our state into a mini-California. Not that I’ve got anything against California, mind you. In fact, I used to live there in the late 80’s and early 90’s. It was actually quite wonderful then. But, I couldn’t figure out how it had become such a pathetic, broken down cesspool. So, I checked to see who was the governor when I was a resident (frankly, I couldn’t remember). Wouldn’t you know it; there were two REPUBLICAN governors during my tenure in California. No wonder things were so great back then. If you look at any state or city in this country that has high crime, high taxes, high unemployment, high homelessness, drugs, filth in the streets and a host of other problems, the odds are overwhelming that they have Democrat leadership. So, if we don’t vote these idiots out of office, Colorado will become a mini-California cesspool. Mark my words.
POLIS does this – COLORADO Will Start Civil War #2
well take him and his funny-boy hubby – string them together -neck to naval
run them out of town upside down and backwards