Denver, CO – On Saturday, Democrats in the Colorado State Legislature extended their vacation to May 26, 2020. The House and Senate were originally scheduled to reconvene on May 18, 2020.
Democratic leadership is displaying a total disregard for citizens.
Not only has Governor Jared Polis taken away jobs, destroyed Colorado’s economy, and seized control of Coloradans’ lives, but Democrats in the legislature have done nothing to help the people.
Instead, they are discussing how to fund their expensive social programs and take away our rights.
Colorado’s Democratic lawmakers are encouraging job-killing measures in response to COVID-19. Republicans are urging Polis to send people back to work and allow them to make a living.
No matter what, these lawmakers are collecting a paycheck. They have been on vacation for nearly two months now.
It is time for them to get back to work and do their jobs.
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it is all political, no one has ever challenged nero and his/its aberrations. No one has ever shown an unedited interview with the Surgeon General where he told the truth about this virus and what and how we should proceed, he has not agenda only the people of the USA best interest, his only vested interest is that his wife is going through chemo. He has allegiance to no one except the people of the United States of America, to be honest and forth right. The interviews with the Surgeon General were done more 8 weeks ago and in the newer interviews he still reiterates what he said in the beginning. What he said we must be doing is nothing like what we are forced fed from the media, state and local, local government, shame shame on these so call elected, and appointed clowns. He warned that masks are a danger to our respiratory systems, over stresses them, make matters worst, most people will not wear the right mask, and will be constantly touching it to adjust, if you have a respiratory problem or think you do stay home and get well, if you get worst seek medical attention, do not over load the medical systems with unnecessary requests, ask some one to bring what ever you might need, if not pick a time to go by your self, wearing a mask, knowing the mask will make it worst, do not panic, avoid crowds with people coughing, use common sense, most people do not need a mask, look up his interviews, some were on the Dr. Oz show in the early hours, the only one I saw local was edited, shame, shame. The end result is there is a new better way to control people, time to really push back
Lets just cut their salaries until they come back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!