UPDATE: The National Popular Vote has passed the legislature and will be signed by the Governor.
Yesterday, Democrats decided that you don’t have to prove you’re a Colorado citizen to vote in an election AND that Colorado’s electoral votes automatically go to the popular vote winner even if it’s who Colorado didn’t vote for – effectively stealing an election.
To make matters worse, Democrats’ also voted to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections.
Democrats know full well the reasons for the Electoral College, but they don’t care because all they care about is power, and winning elections. They only support a system or policy if it benefits their socialist agenda.
We know full well if Hillary had won the election but lost the popular vote, Democrats would be silent.
Democrats realize it’s a tough sell to
Also in committee yesterday was HB19-1156 which was killed by Democrats. This bill would require a proof of citizenship to register to vote.
Since only U.S. citizens can vote in U.S. elections, so what’s the problem with a simple safe guard to ensure a fair election? We guess it depends on what dictionary you’re using for “fair” (see above).
I guess proof of citizenship is still too discriminatory for today’s Socialist-Democrat, PC culture.
We cannot stay silent on this National Popular Vote bill. This is dangerous and will have monumental implications on our future Presidential elections.
Please give us things we can do to fight these Democratic bills. We need names of groups, websites and whatever will help us.
We have LAWS! Well we did at one time!
How is it legal to let ILLEGALS vote in our Country? How? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong! Can a US citizen nonchalantly vote in Mexico, Canada, Germany, etc??
I think NOT!
And who in their right minds let the Democrat Party just run rampant?
DO NOT GIVE-UP OUR VOTING RIGHTS!!! Do not go to popular vote counting!!! I ask my representatives to listen to the people and kill this bill!!!
AmeriCAN Citizen! Leave my Constitution Aone!!
Post a link where people can oppose this legislation!
I urge you to kill this bill. Voting Coloradans will not stand for this. 50.1% of voters DO NOT speak for 100% of the voting population. This is a terrible bill and will not stand. You were elected to represent ALL of Colorado, not just the pockets where you have support.
Please follow our constitution, it is not antiquated!!
I don’t want other states who do not have the same issues that we have in Colorado to dictate what we can and can not do.
I don’t want my voice (vote) to be silenced!
Leave the Constitution alone.
Why are you so desperate to win that you will change laws to let illegals vote & abolish the Electoral College? We the people will revolt if you continue down this path! We will take this to the Supreme Court.
No, no, no!