Denver, CO – Ballots are out, early voting is underway in Colorado, and
Democrats are at it again with misleading ballot language.
Proposition 118, the paid leave measure, is a perfect example.
If passed by voters, this proposition would be the biggest government expansion in Colorado in recent history and the most expansive paid family leave program in the country. No paid family leave program in the country comes close to this measure regarding size or cost.
The proposition includes a massive payroll tax increase that could raise taxes on employees as much as 20%, with Colorado businesses facing as much as a 204% tax hike.
None of this information is stated in the ballot language.
As a result, many Coloradans may look at the short paragraph on the ballot and not see or understand the heavy costs associated with it.
Most Colorado businesses have their own paid family leave programs that function just fine without the heavy hand of government intervention. Proposition 118 is a forced takeover of these programs, which will force businesses to rewrite their policies to cater to state government bureaucrats.
Proposition 118 takes decision-making away from businesses and could cause Colorado businesses to close their doors. This proposition does more to hurt families and local business owners than it does benefit them.
At a time where tens of thousands of Colorado workers are out of work or underemployed, Proposition 118 further threatens paychecks.
There is never a good time for a new tax, but this may be the worst time for one — especially one this massive.
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Democrats know if they told the truth about their real agenda no one would vote for them or policies like this proposition. Remember this FAILED in the Democrat controlled state legislature for a reason.