Denver, CO – We wish this article were about bad Democratic bills dying in the state legislature. Alas, it is not. This article is about two bills dealing with death and their status.
First, is the Democrats’ relentless attempt to repeal the death penalty in Colorado. We wrote about this earlier in January.
The death penalty repeal, Senate Bill 20-100, passed its first hurdle – being voted out of committee. This is no guarantee it will pass, but there is a decent probability.
What is disturbing about this year’s bill is that there is a “Republican” co-sponsor. Senator Jack Tate (R – Centennial) is one of the Prime Sponsors of the law. He is in his final term and is not running for re-election. Hence, he has no accountability to voters. His Senate Co-sponsor is also not running for re-election.
Considering three-quarters of Colorado support the death penalty, we don’t think Senator Tate’s chances of re-election would be very high. But we just don’t know with today’s voters.
The other bill that deals with death is a bill that will allow the composting of dead bodies. This is a bit morbid and is again sponsored by a liberal Democrat and a Western-slope Republican.
From Colorado Politics (because we don’t want to explain this one):
The idea is the brainchild of Katrina Spade of Washington State’s Recompose, a company that will allow the deceased to be placed in a container with wood chips and alfalfa, and then set to “cook” in its own bacteria for 30 days. What’s left is a pile of dirt, suitable for compost or gardens, so long as it’s flowers and not vegetables. (There’s an issue with metals in the human body that make the byproducts unsuitable for food plants.)
Colorado Politics, January 28, 2020
Some of you may be old enough to remember the movie Soylent Green.
Well, this may be when fiction becomes a reality. The film is supposed to take place in 2022. Expect the revision of this bill on dead body composting to be revised to include food products eventually.
Soylent Green was labeled as a Dystopian Thriller. Well, Dystopian is an excellent way to describe Colorado after years of the Democrats being in charge.
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with out the death penalty, and the actual use of the death penalty, what is the deterrent to murder 1, 20 years of appeals until some liberal commutes the sentence, if those who want to eliminate the death penalty sign up to take responsibility for the murder, and agree to take the murder into their home, if not then they are just an other hypocrite. The recidivism rate for murders is at 90% or more, meaning they will do it a gain, they have not remorse, or care for any one’s life. So we as gullible people send them to prison, they get a 20 yr sentence to be with their friends, free food, clothing, med. care, opportunity for an education, free tv, work out areas. While the real tax payers foot the bill $60,000-$90,000 per year per convict, while those who want to repeal the death penalty, the liberal base pay little or not taxes to support convicts, the joke is on the real tax payers,being played for fools. In time pasted murder 1 , you were hung, shot, injected, or sat and had a conversation with sparky, all usually with in 2 weeks, then the liberal keep keeping the murders around for longer times, and here we are today. Save the actual tax payers money spend 35 cents and end their murderous ways quickly, any one remember the old testament an eye for an eye. Time to save the tax payer money no appeals, may be 2 weeks, and they get to choose the method. Murder 1 deserves no forgiveness