Democrats are pushing the oil and gas industry out of Colorado, pushing for a new gas tax, and now want to set unrealistic standards to put more pressure on oil and gas to get out of the state.
They’ll do this by piling on to their new oil and gas regulations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Colorado.
Their goals are to cut emissions by 26% by 2025, 50% by 2030, and 90% by 2050.
Well, considering the’re running the oil and gas industry out of the state with torches and pitchforks, that will be easy to accomplish when they just cut the production of energy altogether.
This is a massive fundamental shift in energy policy that treads into uncharted waters for energy.
Not only do we not know if it’s even sustainable, but
We’re not scientists, nor do we want to turn this short article into a “he said, she said” science discussion. It’s all out in the internet, you can interpret the facts yourself on CO2 etc.
We could also talk about how they use to sound the alarm about “global cooling” in the 60s and 70’s, and how the ice caps would be gone by 2012, and the left never even says “global warming” anymore, but now it’s climate change.
They also almost never talk about carbon dioxide, but now just carbon – as if there’s no concrete evidence CO2 impacts the climate since it is plant food, and forests have actually increased across the globe. Oh and that gases like methane are spewed into the atmosphere naturally by the Earth at a rate humans could never come close to.
But I digress…
Impact on Colorado
We just want to talk about the immediate impact on Coloradans. Because apparently, the Colorado economy and citizens will be forced to suffer for an end goal that can’t be achieved without compliance from every country.
Why should Coloradan’s have to suffer when the largest and most populated countries won’t do anything to comply with emission standards?
They are looking for an end goal and an agenda that Democrats have moved the goal posts on repeatedly, and have stooped to scare tactics and sensationalizing “facts” that have been proven to be false over the years.
The bill’s intentions
The declaration of the bill says, “Climate change adversely affects Coloradan’s economy, air quality and public health, ecosystems, natural resources, and quality of life.”
Let’s dissect that a little. Democrats are actively trying to dismantle the Colorado economy by chasing out the oil and gas industry. Now they will want to get rid of TABOR and it would be no surpris if they use the additional stolen money from taxpayers to subsidize the renewable energy industry in the future.
The Colorado energy industry actually enables people to live in the harsh climate of Colorado and is perhaps the biggest reason for our quality of life here.
To be clear, we have no problem with renewable energy. But the problem is the government subsidizing an industry that has inflated costs and
This is a repeated fantasy for liberals that they have pushed all across the country. If solar companies were actually mining for the precious minerals it takes to make solar panels in Colorado, you can bet the Democrats wouldn’t stand for it.
Why not support low efficiency and low cost?
I don’t suppose any of this green energy and emissions reduction gives any attention to nuclear energy?
If Democrats were even remotely serious about clean energy, they would post nuclear on top of their list.
Even Obama supported increased nuclear energy, as well as natural gas.
But that doesn’t fit into the progressive agenda.
We might as well give up anyway. According to Democrats, we only have 12 years until the Earth is destroyed by climate change. I guess… we just didn’t listen.

Aka UN Agenda 21, 2030 & 2050 sustainable development for depopulation and transfer of Americas heritage into the hands of criminals. Theft of The American Dream. Robbing you and your children of their future so globalists can have it all. Hitler’s climate cult of destruction. You know he created this plan to control the mass’s right? Put it right inside the Kool Aid. Ah yes that Government Kool Aid.
I don’t listen to a 29 year old know nothing who made up an idea that the world is going to end in twelve years, it is ridiculous. She talks like a teenybopper and always gets History wrong, and wants to get rid of airplanes, cars and cows. All life is carbon based, without carbon dioxide nothing green would live. Her plan would speed up any time table to destruction.