Denver, CO – The Democrat majority slammed through the final vote to repeal the death penalty in Colorado.
Republicans and a handful of Democrats in opposition to the repeal put up a tough fight, debating for over 20 hours in the House.
During the second reading debate, family members of murder victims joined house Republicans in opposition to the bill, sitting in the house chambers for the entire debate until 4:00 AM.
In the end, Democrats ignored the pleas of the families looking for justice and forced through the legislation ending Capital Punishment in Colorado on a vote of 38-27.
It remains to be seen whether Boulder liberal, Governor Jared Polis will sign the bill into law, but we expect he will.
More highlights from the debate to come…
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The democrats seem to have little regard for anything other than cramming their liberal policies down our throats despite what the people in Colorado want. Vote them out!!
I’ve got mixed emotions about this. I understand those that are pro-death penalty but I also wonder if there are better solutions out there.