Denver, CO – The Comms Director for the “Colorado Dems” attempted to shut down the free speech of the Colorado House Republicans on Twitter.
David Pourshoushtari, who apparently used to work at the Capitol, falsely accused the Colorado House Republicans of “employee electioneering on the clock,” calling it “kinda illegal.”
However, there is one big problem with Pourshoushtari’s accusation. The tweet and accompanying meme clearly do not qualify as electioneering. Ergo, they are completely legal.
We have already seen this meme reposted on social media. To us, Pourshoushtari’s Twitter tirade seems like an attempt to silence negative coverage of the overspending-fueled tax hike.
The meme, pictured below, features a Scooby-Doo unmasking scene. It references Proposition CC – the tax hike Colorado Democrats rushed through the legislature in an attempt to permanently end Coloradan’s refunds under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Nowhere in the tweet does it advise voters to vote for or against Proposition CC (the definition of electioneering). Instead, the tweet is simply a (funny) Halloween themed jest at the tax increase.
It concerns us that a Democratic Party Comms Director appears willing to lie to silence the opposition. These actions do not reflect the values of the First Amendment.
Furthermore, when confronted about his apparent lack of respect for the First Amendment, Pourshoushtari lashed out and repeated the lie he devised to silence the Colorado House Republicans.
This is just one more example of Democrats telling Coloradans to shut their mouths and hand over their wallets.
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I would like to know why the Colorado state government doesn’t show what happens to all the federal excise tax gas and fuel tax and Commercial Road tax that the federal government gives the state of Colorado to repair roads and bridges. I know it comes in at several million dollars but it’s not being used to fix Bridges or roads it’s going into someone’s pocket and I want to know who is taking the money and not using it for the purpose that it was designated for. Proposition CC was a new tax that they wanted to take to pay for our infrastructure even though we are getting paid by the federal government to fix our roads and bridges. I want an audit to find out where all this money is going because it’s not going to the roads or the bridges it’s going into somebody’s pocket. The other thing I want to know is why the Democrats can override the majority vote of Coloradoans like they did on proposition 121. The majority of Colorado Citizens voted to not regulate the gas and oil business but yet the Democratic Congress or legislature within the state overruled the majority of Colorado voters and has begun to regulate and tax the gas and oil business.
Any ballot initiative that purports to increase funding for schools, roads, or any other worthwhile cause, should include wording to the effect that in any year affected by the initiative, the budgeted total expenditures for the item can not be less than the actual expenditure amount in the year prior to the initiative taking effect plus the added amount gained through the initiative. This is necessary, because money is fungible, and once an amount is designated for a specific purpose by a ballot initiative, officials can reallocate other funds from that purpose to other purposes not intended by the voters.
Already voted NO ON CC. Thi is administration is like a loose cannon. ROLLING around, doing as much damage as possible. Mainly destroy the economy and blame Trump. Steal our water and resources. Take over Colorado for the benefit of the California vampires.
Better get a closer look at this so called water plan the bastards got. It going to be a rough ride keep your powder dry. And don’t fire till u look them in the eye.