Denver, CO – The 2020 legislative session begins January 8, and the death penalty repeal will be proposed again. The 2019 bill did not pass the Senate.
It was sponsored by Senators Angela Williams (D-Denver) and Julie Gonzales (D-Denver), and Representatives Jeni James Arndt (D-Larimer) and Adrienne Benavidez (D-Adams).
Williams recently announced that she would not seek reelection. She will still serve out the remainder of her term in 2020, working on the costly paid family leave bill and the death penalty repeal.
Gonzales pulled the bill before it went to a final vote in the Senate, but vowed it would be back.
The ACLU is reportedly putting pressure on Democrat party leadership to pass the repeal.
is there any deterrent to criminals to commit murder in the first degree, without the death penalty option there is no deterrent, and most criminals know their chances of being convicted for murder 1, and the death penalty are 1 in one million or more, and probably 20 years of appeals, with some brain dead liberal commuting the sentences we have seem time after time. So what is the deterrent to committing murder these days? nothing, not even a second thought in a criminals mind. They go to prison to hang out with their friends, get free food, clothes, bed, med. a gym, library , education, costing the real tax payers $65,000-$95,000 per year per convict, and most will not work at a trade to off set. That amount of money should be use for our vets, the elderly, the real poor, homeless, or infrastructure , i/e roads, bridges. In times past and forgotten, murder 1, you were hanged, electric chair, injected, or shot ($.35 solution) drawn and quartered. So what is a deterrent to murder, for those with intent to kill people, and 99.99% can be rehabilitated, nor care, does any one remember the Old Testament ?
Without the death penalty there is no real deterrent.
My opinion is that anyone who opposes the death penalty is dumb. Anyone who commits a violent crime should face the death penalty and not have them linger in jail waiting on the courts. All our tax money is spent to feed and house these horrible people and why, because you people think it’s inhuman. Is it human to rape and kill someone? I get so tired of hearing about murders and rapes and these people trot off to jail and sit there for years and my money feeds these scumbags. They need a swift death. This is why I will never vote for a Democrat.