Daily Legislative Calendar: House

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You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to infringe on your life even more.

On Friday, the House Energy and Environment Committee will be hearing a bill that will drastically cut “greenhouse emissions.” That should be easy after getting rid of the evil energy companies through their new oil and gas regulations.

One thought on “Daily Legislative Calendar: House

  1. Headline:
    Cartel decriminalizes drugs, legalizes home invasion breaking & entering theft, camping (and camp fires) inside the city limits, turns off electricity/natural gas/gasoline, raises taxes, teaches kids to be gay, gives voters votes to the Zionists, throws Constitutions in the trash, etc.
    Counties and citizens with no rights and no voice rush to escape the deepening hole where Denver sits due to black hole formation sucking everything into it…………………………………

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