Denver, CO – Democrats like to regulate everything; it is all about control. We can make a quick list of what they want to regulate: guns, businesses, freedom, your life, and of course – religious liberty. Democrats have declared war on religion, and their favorite target is traditional (conservative) Christians.
The latest crackdown by Democrats is on Health Care Sharing Ministries. The over-simplified definition of a Health Care Sharing Ministry is a religious-based cost-sharing pool of funds that helps mitigate health costs. This is a cost-effective model that helps a lot of families. These Sharing Ministries also have a moral basis, with some moral requirements for beneficiaries.
Rep. Susan Lontine (D-Denver), one of the legislature’s far-lefties (there are too many of them), has proposed a bill to regulate Health Care Sharing Ministries.
The bill is titled: Health Care Cost-sharing Consumer Protections (HB20-1008). The title sounds relatively benign, but the Devil is in the details (pun intended).
The problem with HB20-1008 is that it singles out these ministries that are ALREADY regulated by the Colorado Division of Insurance. Yes, you read that right, ALREADY REGULATED. So why would they need more regulation, if they are already regulated like any other insurance company?
Quite simply, this is a thinly veiled attempt to regulate religious liberty. Since many of these ministries are morally and faith-based, they get extra scrutiny. Democrats cannot pass up the opportunity to attack religious entities, where they think they can.
What do you think about this attack on Religious Liberty? Do you buy the Democrat’s argument that this is consumer protection? Please place your comments below and on social media!
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