Colorado Springs, CO – In Colorado, the COVID-19 response is a trial run for socialism under Governor (wanna-be Dictator) Jared Polis and his administration.
Polis dictated the shut down of private businesses across the state of Colorado beginning yesterday.
According to our latest public opinion poll, our readers are not happy about the shutdown. In fact, one of our readers even commented that this will have extreme repercussions for the fitness gym they own.
Take our latest poll: Do you oppose criminalizing law-abiding gun owners who do not lock up their firearms for reasons such as home defense?
Not only has Polis assumed the power to shut down private businesses on a whim, but he wants Colorado citizens to look to him and his government to save them!
Polis somehow created a nearly $3 million fund for handouts that we doubt will help the majority of Coloradans hurt by his mandates. Not only that, but we expect the majority is taxpayer-funded, though they are accepting donations.
We won’t be donating to the government. Instead, we plan to help our neighbors where we can.
Polis also created a government-run child care service that will pay premiums to child care professionals and teachers who sign up. We are not opposed to people making money, though, this is arguably another massive waste of tax dollars to control a crisis created by the media and the Polis administration.
To put this in perspective, there are 216 cases of COVID-19 in Colorado with two deaths as of this writing. You can check the linked site for a live count of cases in Colorado.
Considering the amount of government waste and economic destruction we are about to see, this seems to be blown a little out of proportion.
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This worthless pos is going to destroy Colorado. He needs to be recalled and damn it any Republican legislator who says he is against recalls needs to be kicked out of office also
This is what happens when you elect a clown that had to change his name to hide his criminal wife beating record. Get him out now!
he was NOT duly elected.
bought n paid for, and installed.
Well said. Also if the businesses grew a spine (like the one bar from Tennessee if you saw that story) and stayed open anyway and the people stood by them then there wouldn’t be anything the governor could do.
Polis will destroy CO economy, and then blame it on Trump, typical liberal moron.
I did not vote for Polis, signed petition to recall him, will never vote for him.
The Corona virus has been hysterically blown out of proportion by the mainstream press and everyone one and everything controlled by the elites.
What seems to be the problem ? You got what you voted for. You got Polis AND his administration.
One good thing about America, you CAN get rid of him the same way you got him. VOTE !
we are stuck with polis, SS, anty gen, treasure for an 2 yrs, but we can if enough people decide to vote to change most of the house, senate, look to candidates who have the will and the back bone to so, just remember not all Repubs are equal, look to the way they support our right, oppose government over reach, government adding to depts. with out any real need, oppose unnecessary tax increases time after time, not all Repubs are equal, choose wisely
I think if I owned a bar or small restaurant, I would stay open. Most of these places can’t afford to shut down – and I’m betting a lot of customers would rather take their chances. I think it should have been a request, not a demand. All of this smacks too much of dictatorship, which is becoming very scary.
This is an exercise in Communism…Top is telling you where you can/cannot go, how much you can/cannot buy, whether you can/cannot work, etc. Only difference we are not YET in the sweatshop…STAY OPEN. Keep economy going. Take care of your own kids. Govt is NOT to be trusted. They’ll lock down those kids faster than you can think- then there’s the destruction of the family… All that has to be done is to shut off the plastic, fuel & utilities…It is time to make your stand. To be free be self-reliant. Freedom is the right to choose.
Last Great Depression gov’t was going into homes, taking their food, jewelry,money, trampling their gardens, killing their livestock & many had their children taken- then they put goods in large piles, surrounded by armed guards,allowing it to rot- so people starved. LEARN FROM THE PAST. Eternal Vigilance does NOT mean ‘unless somebody’s offended’. Remember who you are- WE ARE the MAJORITY- so take care of what is important. They are OUR PAID SERVANTS. Do you tell your boss what to do? No. WE are the Boss. Never forget. People – MANY- have died to protect our freedom- it is our turn now.