Could the courts backtrack Red Flag and kill it?

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Last week, Senate Democrats thought they could outsmart Republicans after they requested a 2,000-page bill be read at length.

This is a common tactic to slow down agendas being rammed through.

A 2,000-page bill would take days to read on the floor, surely slowing down the Democrat’s radical agenda.

But Democrats thought they were clever by having multiple computers read the bill text out loud at the same time, and at a fast speed to dramatically cut down the speed to read the bill.

This made the bill reading incomprehensible.

According to Fox31, Judge Goldberg confirmed that, “the court was unable to discern a single word from the tape. To ‘read’ the bill, which is a constitutional requisite, in such a manner renders it a nullity.”

Although a hearing is still expected to take place, this was a blow that will send the bill back to the floor.

But there’s an even bigger story under this.

During the arguments, the Democrat’s attorney argued that this was a valid approach because the House Democrats had used a similar tactic previously by reading the Red Flag gun confiscation bill out loud by multiple people at the same time.

Yes, this was actually cited in the court.

At the time, Republicans made the motion to read the bill at length; Democrats read it with multiple people at the same time, Republicans challenged this but were ignored – passing the bill.

If the defense for this tactic was shot down by the Judge, then shouldn’t the argument to try and validate it be brought to court and shot down too?

We think this is something House Republican leaders should look into. It may mean they can bring Red Flag back to the chamber and potentially run out the clock to defeat the bill.

2 thoughts on “Could the courts backtrack Red Flag and kill it?

  1. The communist libtards should all br fired with any Muslim slimes that snuck into American politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. As I read this the question popped into my head…are these dems adults? Who, ever in my lifetime, reads something by several people at the same time. Who does this? You should all be ashamed yourselves. I don’t care what party you belong to. We the people are paying you to do an adult job, not act like room full of junior high grade school kids. Grow up or get the hell out!

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