We’re not going to pull any punches here; this problem started under a “Republican” Attorney General (we’ll let you opine on how “Republican” she was). The problem now continues with the Dem Attorney General Phil Weiser, who still has not fully dealt with the problem.
This story involves paid “leave,” wasteful spending, and insider dealing – sounds par for the course for the government (Note: this link may be behind a “paywall” courtesy of our friends at The Denver Post). This is so bad and so deep that this issue has been referred to the independent State Auditors Office.
The quick synopsis here is the former Attorney General’s department Chief of Staff was awarded a $2.5 million contract. This looks like clear self-dealing. This, of course, is after she was caught altering reimbursement receipts.
Unsurprisingly, this “stellar” [sarcasm] employee received a giant Golden Parachute on her way out.
This is only one of many problems at the Attorney Generals Office. Apparently, there is a 23-page letter detailing the self-dealing and corruption in the office. The corrupt dealings may pre-date Cynthia Coffman, but it continued on-through her administration, and on to Phil Weiser’s current administration as well.
Without a “Whistle-blower Law,” none of this would have come to light and taxpayers would still be getting fleeced. Luckily, and maybe a last desperate act of integrity, the $2.5 million contract awarded to the former Chief of Staff was canceled. She’s probably an attorney – we wonder if she’ll sue? (insert eye-roll here).
There are also allegations of fraud, cover-up, wasteful spending, you know – normal government operation.
What makes this incredibly awful, is the Attorney General’s office would be the one investigating this – if they weren’t the perpetrators.
We’re looking forward to seeing the results of the full investigation. There needs to be both accountability in government, and well – there just needs to be LESS government.
Stay tuned, and please share!
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