Corruption in Denver

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Denver sure is pretty…pretty corrupt that is…

Denver, CO – If you think that Denver is still a cow town with the annual Stock Show parade through the streets of Downtown, you may be wrong. Denver is all grown up, “Big City” politics and corruption included.

For example, take Scott Prisco, Denver’s chief building officer, who used his position to enhance his financial position through his wife’s construction company.

The funny thing is that he got an opinion from the ethics board on the conflict of interest with his wife owning a construction company that does business with the city:

Prior to the violations, Prisco obtained an advisory opinion from the board of ethics in 2018 that allowed him to hold both his position with the city and a position with Hip Homes. In that opinion, the ethics board advised Prisco not to use city resources or business hours to conduct business for Hip Homes. The board also instructed Prisco to not use his position to arrange anything for Hip Homes and not to mention his employment with the city in advertising for Hip Homes.

 Lindsay Fendt and Esteban L. Hernandez, Denverite, Jan. 08, 2020

Everything the ethics board told him NOT to do, he did. Of course, the ethics board has no power to remove Prisco. That’s up to Laura Aldrete, the executive director of community planning and development.

We’re not going to hold our breath on any action from the Hancock administration.

Denver sure is acting like a corrupt big city. We certainly won’t be spending money there anytime soon.

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2 thoughts on “Corruption in Denver

  1. what did any one expect from denver, this is the norm, if you have ever tried to do work in denver, build any thing in denver for the last 5 decades you know, and over the years it has only gotten worst, buried deeper, there is no accountability, at any level, no real management, just wanton waste of tax dollars, and the clue less public keep electing more people to use and abuse them, must be Stockholm Syndrome

  2. Waste of money? Look at what Aurora is doing to 4 lane roads for the bike riders. Making a busy 4 lane road to two lane road with extra wide bike lanes.
    If you want it safer for bikers then let them follow the rules of the road!
    Have them Stop at stop signs and red lights.
    Be aware of cars turning right on red (or green).
    Roads are Mexico between Chambers and Buckley.
    Or Patomic south of Mississippi in front of the hospital.

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