Denver, CO – An alleged conservative group, wants to help Democrats. At least that’s how we read this. A new group, funded by out-of-state interests launched to convince right-leaning people to support abolishing the Electoral College and replace it with the Nation Popular Vote.
We’ve covered the National Popular Vote before (here, here, here and here), and how this was one of the worst of the worst bills to come out of the 2019 Legislative Session. One of the few bright spots of 2019 was when the REPEAL of this law collected enough signatures and was certified for the ballot last year.
Well, we did our job and did some research. Conservatives For Yes on National Popular Vote share the same registered agent (Rachel Gordon) on the Secretary of State’s website as Yes on National Popular Vote. This is the committee that is receiving millions of dollars from California to keep this dangerous law in Colorado.
This is the main committee supporting moving to a National Popular Vote and eliminating the Electoral college. The Registered Agent is Rachel Gordon. This is the “Conservative” Committee to support the National Popular Vote. Note the Registered Agent, it is also Rachel Gordon Big money from California! More big money from California! …And more big money from California!
If you look at the YouTube page associated with this group, they show a video of President Trump talking about the National Popular Vote. The voice-over says with snark, “Even President Trump Get’s it!” They are implying the President is an idiot, except on this. We also believe the President has changed his view on the Electoral College, making this incredibly misleading.
Don’t be fooled; this group is not conservative, and they are looking to take your voice away.
What do you think about groups who mislead voters to think they’re conservative? Should we keep the Electoral College or scrap it? Will the National Popular Vote ensure that only liberal big cities decide national elections? Please post your comments below and on social media!
Please share!
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Here’s is my confusion and obviously for good reason. We’ve already established the fact that California sucks. The amount of people FLEEING it for example. And the state itself always seeking more federal aid. And more tax breaks. And always trying to take away it’s remaining citizens rights while enabling the illegals. I could go on and on with what’s wrong with California. A blind person could see everything wrong from stepping in a pile of human feces to giving away their spring water to the bottling companies. But with those millions available to try and influence or corrupt a state like Colorado, why aren’t they putting it into their own state and trying to salvage it?
This is one of many supposedly Conservative groups that is funded by George Soros. Don’t be fooled. Too many are popping up that are not legit
The Electoral College is fair as it gives a balanced representation for all the states and regions of the US in the election of our President. The NPV will always give power to the densely populated urban centers, thus CA, IL and NY (all heavily populated liberal centers) will determine the outcome of all future presidential elections. Liberals are fighting to change the rules so they can always win. In essence, that’s why they are pushing open borders and mass legal and illegal immigration from third world countries, as most of these people vote Democrat.
This so called ‘conservative’ group that is pushing the NPV is so deceitful and outrageous. How de we fight this?
The organizer , Rachel Gorden, has a lot of committees none of which appear to anything related to “conservative ” causes. Thinking Wolf and Sheep and clothing. Wonder if her employer knows she is using their business e-mail for political purposes.
We MUST keep the Electoral College. If we don’t…the most densely populated areas of the country will ALWAYS decide the outcomes of general elections. Of course that would mean that the East & west coasts will control our presidential elections…and of course those areas are primarily liberal!
We must keep the Electoral College vote! It’s the only way for democracy to continue fairly in America and especially this state!
Thank u for bringing this to everyone’s attention. With this oxymorous group name ‘conservatives 4 national popular vote’ they are trying to make it look like a bi-partisian issue.