Aurora, CO – Communist organizers were arrested and charged with felonies for their roles in riots this summer.
The six protesters arrested included Lillian Rose House, 25; Joel Prentice Northam, 32; Whitney Hanna Lucero, 23; Trey Anthony Quinn, 33; John Russel Ruch, 33; and Terrance Terrell Roberts, 44.
From: The Denverite
The organizers are not all facing the same charges; however, they are all charged with felonies.
The felony charges include inciting a riot, inciting a riot by command, attempt to influence a public servant, conspiracy to commit inciting a riot, theft from a person, conspiracy to commit theft from a person and attempt to commit first-degree kidnapping.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation named House, Northam, Lucero, and Ruch in a press release about the arrests.
The communist group is now organizing a protest for tomorrow, September 19, 2020. It is supposed to be held at the capitol at noon. According to the description of the protest, those arrested who are facing felony charges helped organize multiple Black Lives Matter protests.
Hopefully, it stays peaceful, unlike previous protests organized by the group.
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Don’t worry, it may start “peacefully” but will turn violent in an instant; then there will be MORE arrests and, with any luck, a WHOLE BUNCH, taken down and out, permanently. That’s the way they operate and their methods should be met with the same exact FORCE! Knock them down AND out and KEEP THEM OUT of the gamesmanship. Give them all good long prison terms, so that when they’re finally eligible for release, they won’t have enough strength, or energy to do anything more than feed themselves in order to even stay alive. THAT would be “justice”, for this nation and the patriots in it.
This is exactly what needs to happen. Federal charges, 10 to life in hard prison.
We’ll see, but I seriously doubt it. Violence and anarchy are all these people want.
David Everett 9-18-2020, Constitutional Week
These terrorist, never want any thing to peaceful, for them it is about destruction, especially destruction of public and private property, They want the police to engage, record the police arresting them, faking injuries, indignation, them sending any video on to the media to be edited , or edit the video them selves, to only show they are the aggressor, the media in turn will broadcast, and tell lies until the cows come home. This is what we are dealing with. The other part is the police will be limited in what they will do, by direct order from their overlords. I wonder at what point will any self respecting police officer say enough is enough, that they have been embarrassed enough during this reign of terror brought upon this city, state, or country. I know the police worry about their pension, and the overlords will hang that over their heads. May be some officers will show up no uniform, no id, wearing a mask and kick some punk ass. If the pattern is followed as before those arrested, will get a small fine , no court date, and if bail is set, it will be paid in cash, and out the back door, but if a citizen is arrested for defending them selves they will drop the house on them, high bail, many charges, etc. My advice avoid Denver, stop doing business in Denver and their flagpole conclaves, cut off the revenue, economics 101, beside mayor hand… will miss appropriate the tax dollars to fund illegal activities, which is against the law, but they are never held accountable, and the sheepeple are accepting of being used and abused. Just my humble opinion
Please take the time to read the article at the Daily Signal website that connects BLM founder Alicia Garza to Black Futures Lab, aka Chinese Progressive Association. Most of us know BLM is a marxist organization and this helps to explain it all the more. I did not list the link as Colorado Citizens Press may prefer comments without those in an effort to control spam postings.