Denver city councilwoman Candi CdeBaca cheered anti-American protestors who desecrated several flags.
CdeBaca stunned Denver when she unseated the favored member of the Denver City Council to replace Mayor Michael Hancock. A vocal Democratic Socialist (Communist), CdeBaca ran on a platform of wealth redistribution.
Protestors last Friday ripped down the American flag. But, they did not stop there. Demonstrators attempted to burn it, raised a Mexican flag, and spray-painted “Abolish ICE” on a “Thin Blue Line” flag.
Read CdeBaca’s quoted response from the Denver Post:
“This is what democracy looks like,” CdeBaca said of the protests. “I’m not disappointed. “I’m proud of all of them who were there to send a message and stand in solidarity with those who have been detained and put in cages.”
Candi CdeBaca quoted by the Denver Post
Can you believe a public official went on record supporting this anti-American demonstration? Even after some of her Dem counterparts, smartly started to distance themselves from the protesters. We doubt voters fully knew what a vote for CdeBaca meant.
Aligned With Communists
CdeBaca is aligning herself with Antifa-style communist groups without a second thought.
Don’t believe us? We pulled these photos from the “Denver Communists” Facebook page. They attended the protest – which included trespassing on private property – and brought a camera!
Desecrated flag, Aurora, CO. Photo from the “Denver Communists” Facebook page. Mexican flag flying next to a spray-painted “Thin Blue Line” flag. Photo from the “Denver Communists” Facebook page.
The page, listed as a political organization, (we refuse to link to it) posts open-borders and communist propaganda. Nearly 3,500 people follow the openly communist political organization – a scary number.
Complacency towards these anti-American groups represents one of the greatest threats to the United States of America.
Groups like this intend to achieve a communist society by any means necessary. Peaceful protest is not in their vocabulary. Instead, they utilize intimidation and violence.
CdeBaca herself decries capitalism and says she supports bringing about a communist economic system, “by any means necessary.” Voters in Denver set a dangerous precedent by electing her.
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The entire Denver Boulder area seems to be infested with a bad case of liberalism. I have seen some crazy things seance 1966. Lost water,lost Olimpics, the time of the so called hate state. Just to name a few.
Now we have, a return to tax and spend. Weaken or abolish Tabor, give away money to illegal aliens for legal fees. Trying to jive pepole out of there tax refunds. I my view all this and much more because of whacky liberal ideology. Ask me I got more, ALL the way back to John Love. Who was not so loving.
I think she had better learn some history . What happened with our flag , is an ACT of WAR!
and that is what’s coming , if no one is held accountable. open you eye’s people!
These LEFTIST LUNATICS intentionally go into government because they CRAVE & DESIRE POWER over YOU! To impose their world view of society on ALL OF US!
A perfect example of this is recent public street camping law passed in Denver! Just like
San FranS#!+hole!
Anyone else notice how they are going into the nice SUBURBAN areas and building NOTHING BUT MASS URBANIZATION LIVING DWELLING$! Nullifying our choice of OUR LIFESTYLE as FREE AMERICANS! To live in harmonious family orientated peaceful relaxing communities in SUBURBAN HOUSING AREAS! Imposing unwanted URBANIZATION for THEIR PROFIT$! As they want to create mass RENTAL TAXE$, catering to a more MA$$ DISPOSABLE INCOME LIFESTYLE & increasing POPULATION of no family or mortgage payment! Changing where WE CHOSE to live lowering OUR quality of life, our happiness, increasing our stress, increasing our traffic and its dangers! I understand populations increasing but they have complete disregard for WE THE PEOPLE that invested in a home that made these areas highly desirably expensive places to live in the first place! A person was killed at Bowels & Pierce after MANY other accidents due to mass URBANIZATION and NO PLANNING! Bowels a 2 lane street is the only street that goes east to west for 5 miles in each direction now its so traffic infested i hear it at my house over 1/2 mile away! our financial investment and quality of life in our communities are being REDISTRIBUTED to people that CAN NOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE in OUR COMMUNITIES! So the government is giving permits to just BUILD MASSIVE HIGH RENTAL APARTMENTS in our NICE LOCATION LOCATION LOCATIONS!! PROFITING FROM US as we suffer the consequences of their policies of using government tyranny power to take from the haves and give to the HAVE NOTS! Its the Social Justice Warrior ideology of “ROBIN HOOD SYNDROME” They call it equality using our government as the equity as she has said she believes in GOVERNMENT PUBLIC OWNERSHIP of OUR COMMUNITIES! exactly what COMMUNIST created in their society= equal oppression and low quality of life for ALL!
We work hard to control our destinies and they can just take it away! Under the MARXIST guise CON GAME OF SOCIAL JUSTICE!
Welcome to United Nations Agenda 2030.
Finally an honest Democrat.
Way to go Denver. This is exactly why I Loathe Denver and many parts of the eastern slope. Go ahead and destroy yourselves. Sad😢
People will always get the representation they deserve. Denver is a mess and the silent majority has enabled those who keep it that way.