The communists in Denver are waving red, hammer and sickle, flags after one of their own, Candi CdeBaca, was elected in District 9 for the Denver City Council.
CdeBaca unseated two-term councilman Albus Brooks, who was speculated to be the replacement of Mayor Michael Hancock when he moves on. Brooks is plenty far left himself, but CdeBaca takes it even further. Just look at the Denver Democratic Socialists of America’s response to her election.
The Denver DSA is apparently “heart eyes emoji” excited about a communist taking a seat on the Denver City Council, and we are horrified. They must not pay much attention to the current socialist debacle going on in Venezuela (or history for that matter).
Now, Denver has been slipping into disaster territory for a long time now. Remember the “Green Roof” ballot initiative that passed in Denver? As it turns out, it is physically impossible to put massive rooftop gardens on buildings, so the Denver City Council had to majorly revise the ordinance.
Oh, and the climate activists behind that ballot initiative are also behind the Denver Carbon Tax ballot initiative that is currently gathering signatures. But, we digress.
CdeBaca, who ran on a platform of wealth redistribution (communism), allowing the homeless to camp indefinitely in family neighborhoods (according to her website she was a yes on initiative 300), and proven-to-fail policies such as taxpayer-subsidized “affordable housing.”
CdeBaca’s empty promises of “free” stuff and working for everyone in her community are tried and true methods from everywhere from Venezuela to Detroit
On the plus side, when the homeless overrun Denver and abandoned buildings outnumber taxpayers, Democrats will make sure there are plenty of Hollywood subsidies to make distopian films in her district.
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Fortunately I moved out of Denver 5 years ago!