Denver, CO – Another session of the legislature, another Democrat, is trying to exterminate Columbus Day.
For years, it was former State Representative Joe Salazar, that would run a bill to remove Columbus Day as a holiday in Colorado. You know that holiday, celebrating the guy who possibly discovered America – as we all learned in school. Yeah, that holiday that we’ve been celebrating for most of our lifetimes.
Since the liberal left in the legislature can’t always get all their members on board, the plan to ban Columbus Day has morphed. Last year, the Columbus Day ban morphed into making election day a holiday instead.
Salazar handed off the bill to Rep. Adrienne Benavidez. This year, she is trying to rename Columbus Day into Frances X. Cabrini Day. Cabrini, the namesake of the Mother Cabrini Shrine on Lookout Mountain, is a famous historical figure in Colorado.
What is really at work here? Much like the destruction of Civil War monuments, and re-writing history textbooks, Democrats are trying to erase history and re-write it in their image. This is standard operating procedure for every oppressive society in the history of the world.
We don’t agree with getting rid of Columbus Day and re-writing history. But what say you, our readers?
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I don’t believe either day is all that important.
Do not do away with Columbus Day
Erasing history and rewriting in their own image? Spot on for the progressives! And if you do not agree? You are Hateful, fearful, etc. ect. and Republican.
I remember learning that Russia said they would eventually take down the U.S. by infiltrating the media and education. Sadly, it has been a wildly successful campaign.