Denver, CO – Colorado’s death toll is up 20 percent over the last six months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic — but that is not solely due to the virus itself.
The virus itself is now listed as the fourth leading cause of death in Colorado (although this number is suspect), but the virus does not account for the full 20 percent. Much of the death rate increases appear in other conditions such as heart disease, liver disease, and diabetes.
The largest uptick appears in that of drug overdoses, which have risen around 40 percent.
These deaths are the direct result of lockdown policies that scared people into not getting treatment for their illnesses. In the early months of the lockdown, especially, people avoided hospitals and doctor’s offices, which left more serious conditions untreated.
Lockdown policies have consequences, and the results are only beginning to show. The economic impact of the shutdowns has left many people unemployed and forced to stay home. There is no question that this has a direct correlation to the spike in drug overdose deaths.
Governor Polis’ lockdown appears to be continuing indefinitely with no sign of slowing. Lockdown policies nationally do not appear to have a strong correlation with death rates, which begs the question — how many of these deaths are the direct result of Governor Polis’ response to COVID-19?
Coloradans will be forced to stay home longer, even though the threat of the virus is diminishing. If sick people continue this trend of not seeking treatment, more will continue to die unnecessarily.
This trend is likely to continue as long as Governor Polis remains stuck in his ways.
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Polis is an idiot. Taking his cues from Gov. Gruesome in CA. This State’s gone to hell under Lickshispooper and Polis and the Liberals own that.
this is not about the chinese military war fare virus, created in a chinese military lab, that subsequently burnt down, and all of the people working there disappeared, after the virus mysteriously disappeared, if you keep buy that bs, you are the perfect person polis wants, so keep doing the polis. The number of deaths, if the the truth was ever told is less than the h1-n1 flu virus that ran across this country during obama’s reign of terror, do you remember all the lock downs, mask, restriction? NO. No one ever listened to what the Surgeon, General of The United States said what we must do over 22 weeks ago, no the liberal/socialist cities/states, did the opposite. This was a test to see how easy it would be to force some socialist controls on the sheeple, and it was easy, just wait until they think they have an other excuse. As for polis, aka nero, for him/it is all about control, more control, killing businesses, bankrupting families, then blame Trump leading up to the 2020 elections. To me sheeple are too afraid to really talk about what has been done to us, too afraid to really push back, until many get up off their 4’s, bah, bah, bah, and stand on their 2 feet this will continue. Call polis, all the so called health clowns tell them to tell the real truth