Denver, CO – We’ve said it time and again: the left just doesn’t give up! The left in Colorado has been on a major offensive to make major policy changes to social issues, liberty issues, and of course, fiscal issues.
The only leash that is currently tethering the left in Colorado is the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR), and they’re after that again…with the Colorado Supreme Court in collusion.
According to TABOR, tax increases must be voted on by citizens. Each tax increase must have the language “Shall taxes be increased…” on the first line of every ballot initiative to raise taxes under TABOR. TABOR also only allows the slush fund for state spending to increase by population and inflation. This is a great thing for Colorado and has been since it was adopted by voters in 1992.
Clearly, TABOR is a great limiter for the tax and spend liberals and Colorado taxpayer’s only defense from the financial schemes the left is always dreaming up on how to collect and spend your hard-earned money. So it should come as no surprise that TABOR is always public enemy #1 for the left.
However, Colorado voters on the state level routinely reject ballot initiatives to gut TABOR by large margins. The last one was in 2019, with Proposition CC, that lost by almost two to one. Well, the left doesn’t get up, and they just got a “win” on a Colorado Supreme Court case that may finally give the left the ballot language to hoodwink voters into supporting a TABOR repeal.
The Colorado Supreme Court is allowing the following language: “In the constitution of the state of Colorado, repeal section 20 of article X,”. This is pretty ambiguous, and only TABOR geeks know that is TABOR’s section in the Colorado Constitution. How will the average voter know what this does?
We will have future updates on the status as what has been labeled as “Initiative No. 3” AKA the full repeal of TABOR. The left hasn’t completely decided to invest the million dollars in getting this on the ballot.
We expect they’ll pull the trigger, and we’ll be there to cover it.
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To think, I almost retired to Colorado. GOOD CALL DANNY!
Happy New Year’s fellow Coloriadan ‘s a Durango native of 3 gen. Folk’s got to vote Red or lose our home !! Piss on polis & these rabid dog’s or lose it ALL!