Denver, CO – Here’s a quick recap! In 2012 much like 2018, Democrats had complete control of the Colorado legislature and Governor’s office. They saw it as an opportunity to take away your civil rights and liberties to control you.
Thousands of citizens show up to testify against these bills. Democrats are shocked at the level of opposition. But they don’t care because of their elitist arrogance. They pass bills to take away Coloradan’s individual rights, no matter the opposition.
Legislators are recalled for the first time in recent history, and Republicans flip a chamber of the legislature in the next election. Democrats washed, rinsed, and repeated this in 2019. We’ll see what happens in 2020.
What topic are we talking about? The Amendment to the U.S. Constitution between the first and the third (Google and FB don’t like us talking about guns). In 2018 it was Red Flag – giving the government carte blanche to take your guns if they “think” you could eventually be a threat.
In 2013 it was universal background checks, including private sales and the Standard Capacity Magazine ban. Now the challenge to one of those laws has made it to the Colorado Supreme Court.
Now, remember, the Colorado State Constitution has gun rights built into it as well. A few gun groups are asking the Colorado Supreme Court to honor the Colorado Constitution and apply a strict scrutiny standard – the highest legal standard – which should make it next to impossible for the government to make a case for the laws.
The gun groups are challenging the Standard Capacity Magazine Ban on these grounds. It makes sense. Why shouldn’t we be able to possess and buy a standard capacity magazine?
We swear no writers here at the Colorado Citizens Press possess these in any way, shape, or form. Definitely not in a Gun Trust and not currently in our range bags, bug out bags, in our cars, or by our beds. We are definitely not paranoid that the government reads our articles.
Jokes aside, we don’t want to get in the legal weeds here, but we want you to be informed. Remember, “Shall Not Be Infringed.”
Let’s hope the lawsuit is successful!
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