Denver, CO – The Colorado State Legislature resumed on May 26, 2020 after breaking for COVID-19. The GOP headed back focussed on limiting the governor’s power.
State House Republican leader Patrick Neville of Castle Rock said at a news conference and on KCOL radio May 19 that he and fellow Republicans plan next week, when the legislative session resumes, to begin “pushing back on the governor’s authority, making sure that after 15 days he actually has legislative approval to continue on with his emergency powers.”
Colorado Times Reporter
The GOP legislation requires the Governor of Colorado to seek legislative approval for a disaster order exceeding 15 days.
Governor Jared Polis (so far) issued 80 executive orders in response to COVID-19.
It seems reasonable to put a limit on this executive power. After all, the people of Colorado did elect Senators and Representatives to craft state law.
Unfortunately, the legislation is likely dead on arrival in the Democrat-controlled legislature.
Colorado Democrats were fully behind Polis’ destructive COVID-19 response. Well, except for that letter from Democrat lawmakers asking Polis to seize control of the housing and rental market.
On top of his 80 executive orders, Polis spent $1.6 billion of federal coronavirus relief funds by executive order. He shut down private businesses. Ultimately, he took away hundreds of thousands of jobs.
A check on Polis’ power would go a long way.
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Colorado is a complete nightmare right now. We want to move far away even though pre-pollis we never gave leaving serious consideration. Now though, we want out of our home state and our home cities. Social distancing is remarkably similar to a prison environment. Fail. Read up on public schools carefully, they’re turning them into mini prisons where kids will be punished for not abiding prison rules. Pull your children out now, or forever hold your peace. We are going to take tremendous losses for this but certainly would never subject our children to that kind of treatment. One kid on the playground at a time, little squares to stand in, one way hallways, tape and masks and gloves. Can’t play, can’t sit in circles, can’t share, can’t touch. Adams county ‘5 star schools’ is talking about child abuse becoming the norm for returning to school.