Colorado Springs, CO – According to The Gazette, Colorado Springs dispatch lines are clogged with reports of people not following Governor Jared Polis’ “Stay at Home” order.
That’s right – people are calling 911 to snitch on their neighbors for supposedly ignoring the draconian “Stay at Home” order.
Folks, this is Polis’ new police state. Polis, Mayor Michael Hancock, and the rest of the media have created so much hysteria people are snitching on their neighbors for living their lives.
The majority of the people being reported are likely trying to put food on their table, or just enjoy the outdoors to escape the stuffy confines of their homes.
According to The Gazette, Sgt. Jason Newton says that the calls are impacting the police’s ability to respond to actual crimes.
Mayor John Suthers had this to say about the “Stay at Home” order at a press conference:
At a press conference Thursday, Mayor John Suthers said police will issue warnings to those who are gathering in large groups and not obeying the stay-at-home orders. “And if someone resolutely refuses to comply with those warnings then it will be a subject of criminal prosecution,” Suthers said, adding that he believes a “vast majority” of citizens were obeying the orders.
From: The Gazette
In these unprecedented times, we want to urge you not to turn on one another, but look for opportunities to help those less fortunate than you.
People still need to go to the grocery store. From a mental health standpoint, people need the freedom to move about. Some of these folks likely have “essential” jobs, according to our Governor, who loves picking winners and losers.
We cannot say this any more plainly. Polis’ surprise “Stay at Home” order, announced without notifying local governments, is creating chaos. He imprisoned citizens in their own homes and created the hysteria that is driving people to narc on their neighbors.
We can all be better than the authoritarian tyrant that is criminalizing citizens and causing hysteria and economic destruction in Colorado.
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IF you get a ticket, get with everybody else charged and file a Class Action Suit to FORCE POLIS, AND OTHERS, TO prove the pandemic actually existed, WHEN THE DECLARATION was made, or existed at any time during the DECLARED EMERGENCY.
The Seasonal Flu was never declared an emergency.
Seasonal Flu Deaths 2019-2020 season as of 3/18/2020 is 22,000.
The over-hyped coronavirus is 21,000 short of that number.
Exactly EVERYONE should be standing up to this! I for one have been going out even more than I normally do because of all this insanity.
Exactly EVERYONE should be standing up to this! I for one have been going out even more than I normally do because of all this insanity.
Is there a website that we can flood with self reporting for not staying home?
The guys and gals at LOWES home improvement did not seem to have a problem with me swinging by, picking up some bbq stuff, some grass seed, some soils and helpful items.
And they did not have a problem with any of the migrants or any other citizens there. None of the employees were wearing masks.
One great thing about it though is this; Instead of bugging me with the corporate line if I need help or whatever, the employees ran away from customers. That’s retail shopping at it’s finest. Reminded me of Colorado 1980’s before the carpetbaggers moved in.
Let’s call it for what it is. Discrimination based on your employer.