Colorado soon to be sanctuary for illegal immigrants

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Today, the House State, Veteran, & Military Affairs Committee is hearing HB19-1124. The bill turns Colorado into a de-facto sanctuary state for criminal illegal immigrants.

It is sponsored by Representatives Adrienne Benavidez, D-Adams, and Susan Lontine, D-Denver/Jefferson.

The broad-reaching bill protects criminals from federal immigration authorities and follows a slew of dangerous, illegal, and unconstitutional legislation from Colorado Democrats.

Before we go into the bill, a recap of the Democrat’s overreach so far.

Radicalization of Colorado

With total control and little respect for opposed and disenfranchised constituents, Democrats immediately rushed the National Popular Vote bill into law. A law satisfying their increasingly radicalized, Trump and Republican hating base.

Democats pushed and failed for a plastic straw ban and legalized heroin injection sites. Unfortunately, with at least one more year of total control, that agenda is only stalled.

They quickly introduced unconstitutional Red Flag legislation soon to be signed into law by Governor Jared Polis. One Democrat was even called out publicly for lying about support for the gun grab.

After Coloradans struck down tax hikes on the ballot, two large tax increases disguised as ‘fees,’ violating the Taxpayer Bill of Rights are in the works.

Voters also nixed excessive regulation of oil and gas. But, a moratorium on development appears to be going through. Worse still, the legislation was rushed through so quickly the industry most responsible for Colorado’s booming economy was prevented from having a say.

And despite a state government budget increase of $1 billion, our tyrannical rulers are asking for more money. No doubt to fund expensive, foolhardy government programs with major loopholes for fraud and abuse.

The Democrats are far from through with their assault.

Next on the list of overreaching policies, state sanctuary laws for criminals.

Sanctuary State for Criminal Illegal Aliens

Why Democrats are so hell-bent on protecting criminals, including felons, we cannot begin to comprehend.

Any one of the restrictions applied by HB19-1124 would be bad enough alone, but Democrats are going all out.

The bill contains three main prohibitions on working with federal law enforcement.

HB19-1124, Sanctuary Policies for Illegal Aliens:

  1. Prohibits contractual agreements requiring law enforcement to directly or indirectly assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration laws.
  2. Blocks access to state law enforcement facilities for federal immigration authorities without a warrant from a federal judge.
  3. Prohibits law enforcement from arresting or detaining an illegal immigrant solely on the basis of a civil immigration detainer.

First of all, if a person lives in the United States illegally, they are not a resident. Second of all, this is ripe for abuse by criminals and gangs who will not show up to trial or cooperate after their release.

As a result, one of the most egregious parts of this legislation is the clamp down on the sharing of important information about criminal illegal aliens.

Specifically, the prohibition on sharing the release date of said criminals. This lack of communitcation already resulted in the release of an illegal immigrant drunk driver who killed a trucker in Colorado in 2018.

If this becomes law, the blood is on the hands of every politician who votes to protect the next criminal illegal that causes the death of a Colorado citizen.

Democrats are playing fast and loose with the lives and liberties of Coloradans, and communities across the state are at their breaking point. A number of recalls are already in the works, and sanctuary for criminals may be the tipping point for more fed up Coloradans.

27 thoughts on “Colorado soon to be sanctuary for illegal immigrants

  1. To all Coloradans who are concerned and love our State. We need to organize and march in mass on the State Capital,
    Items that we object to and need to be retracted:
    1. Sanctuary State status
    2. Red Flag Bill
    3. Excessive regulation on oil and gas
    4. All day kindergarten bill
    5. Excessive tax hikes that are so-called fees. Violation of Tax payers bill of rights.
    6. National Popular Vote Bill
    7. Sex Education Bill
    All of the above were ramroded through without any concern for the people of Colorado.

    1. Please keep your list updated because I’m sure that it will grow tremendously. Picking and choosing to protest individual items will only weaken our position therefore I agree that all your listed items must be rejected as a whole. This is why they have barricaded the capitol buildings prior to their attack and created FEMA camps for dissidents.

    2. Since when do elected officials make decisions without the permission(s) of the citizens of Colorado. These officials work for the voters of this state. How can this be stopped?

      1. I am told by recalls but here’s the catch. When the mafia is the government how will lawful means work to remove mafia criminals that are the law? When you figure out the answer is revolution then those barricades they are hiding behind begin to make sense. George Washington said we need a revolution every 20 years to keep the government in check.

  2. If they want to come to America let them come the legal way. If they jump the border they broke the law here in America put them in jail like the rest of the criminals

  3. What you are doing in going against the wishes of the Colorado voters re Oil and Gas is wrong – you are elected to represent the wishes of the voters in Colorado which you are failing to do on so many levels. You will turn our beautiful multi cultural state into a bankrupt wasteland populated by illeagal immigrants and dope heads. Congratulations when you see Coloradoans leaving in droves to not pay 60% taxes and to find safe places to raise their families.

  4. I do not support the legislation to make my state a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. Hence the word “Illegal”, they are here illegally and do not deserve any special compensation for being here as thus. Please listen to the constituents who put you into your position, you don’t dictate to us you work for us. Illegal immigrants are no where listed in that equation.

  5. How may we help in recall of these Democrat scoundrels to are putting our states citizens at risk? I am 80 years old but willing to help where I can.

  6. Thank you for the information, but what are you doing about it and what can concerned Colorado citizens do about it?

  7. How do we defeat this travesty? I am a native Coloradoan. Never before have I been ashamed of my state. The policys that today’s politicians are pushing through are embarrassing. The only thing I can say is that I DID NOT vote for ANY Democrat. Those of us who are against what is happening in Colorado’s government need to know how to fight against the unamerican ideas being presented. Thank you

  8. By the way, I have been kicked off Facebook for this comment for 7 days…..they called it hate speech and against their community standards. “ILLEGALS ARE CRIMINALS FOR BEING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. PROTECTING AND SHELTERING THEM SHOULD MAKE THESE IDIOT LEADERS CRIMINALS, TOO.” The post was by a political leader who is proposing pressing charges against politicians who provide sanctuary for illegals. I was simply responding. Can someone tell me what is hate speech about this? I think it’s pure FACT. We are losing the battle against illegal entry into this country and also FREE SPEECH.

  9. So we are to sit by and permit criminal.activity to be perpetrated in our state, but only thise laqs these “progressives” deem politically viable to their agenda to maintain control over the populace.
    Seems we need to take our state back. It no longer borders America.

  10. Why would any law maker in Colorado purposely put it’s own citizens at risk? With all the other issues we are facing in this state, not only are the lawmakers sabotaging our economy, our personal freedoms now putting us at risk from criminals who entered this country illegally, who are running drugs, gangs and sex trafficking . People who have no real incentive to work but to live off tax paying hard working citizens. Totally unacceptable!


  12. Have been watching all of this move into place for many years. 3 years ago I told all my friends Colorado is a sleeper cell. Today proves I am correct. When the tents and campfires start showing up on the streets of Colorado closing business’s like in California and they legalize heroin and meth utopia will be evident. Soaring energy prices from moratoriums on gas & oil drilling will crush the economy and inflate prices of all goods beyond anything you have ever seen then the global bankers will crash the system and call all loans putting citizens on the streets without a home and from there people will be rounded up for the FEMA camps and we will have a holocaust also known as the rise of the 4th Reich.

  13. For all intents and purposes Colorado has been a sanctuary state for many years. Colorado loves “their” illegal aliens no matter how many US citizens they kill. Elected officials love the big campaign donations coming in from the ag industry, meatpacking plants and others.
    There’s not much you can do to help a nation that imports it’s own killers and allows them to scatter throughout the nation completely untraceable.

    1. My Muslim neighbor came from the other side of the world and they bought him a new house on 35 fenced acres with 3 vehicles, livestock, guns and a monthly paycheck so he doesn’t have to work. THEY ARE NOT UNTRACABLE WHEN RECIEVING A MONTHLY PAYCHECK FROM THE GOV!!!!!!!!!

  14. None of this is what we want and it is being iforced on us will only make it worse..we don’t want to be a sanctury for illegals and we don’t want to pay for it..use some. Common sense.

  15. this country is doomed. We have been invaded and taken over by people that have no idea of what our constitution is about. Worse , they don’t care. Recall is the last resort, and truthfully I think that still won’t stop the stupidity.” If you don’t protect what’s yours , it won’t be yours for long” we are witnessing this right now by our so called elected leaders ignoring our state and federal constitution they swore to uphold.

    1. They represent the Zionists who are the Jewish banking cartel and Zionists are Islam. Rothchild created Israel. Owns both Israel and USA, your mortgage and all of your other debt. Roots of US Gov is Islam not Christian. Welcome to the matrix of illusion. Transformation of America is underway right before your eyes. Welcome to The North American Union formally known previously as USA. Stop drinking the govs Kool Aid it’s not good for you.

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