Denver, CO – A Colorado State Representative’s personal Twitter is full of inappropriate tweets, according to a tip we recently received from a reader.
The tweets are unbecoming of a Colorado State Representative, and one even states, “Just be glad you’re not American….”

The legislator in question is Representative Brianna Titone (D-Jefferson), who represents Colorado House District 27. She is Colorado’s first transgender legislator and apparently sees no issue with sharing sexually explicit messages on Twitter.
WARNING: The following tweets and quotes may be offensive to some readers.
One of the tweets actually claims Titone’s “eggplant emoji” is larger than President Trump’s.

Another tweet from Titone is a reply to Playboy, claiming her breasts “need attention” and comes with a graphic to clarify Titone’s point.

Titone also found it necessary to discuss nudity on her personal Twitter account, apparently forgetting that the internet is forever.

Titone even retweeted a disgusting post attacking another Twitter user for tweeting about their values. It begins with, “Get f****d in the a**.”

The internet is forever.
Do you believe these tweets are appropriate for a Colorado State Representative?
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“She?” She’s not a female. It’s an It! Quit pandering to mental patients.
Well said……..
You are spot on. It is a perversion against nature and abhorrent to God.
It is mentally ill and effin insane. It needs to be committed to the insane asylum.
well said, it is screaming for attention, the person in the mirror is not providing the type of attention it desires, so it just says thing so people will respond, looking for support in all of the wrong places. A good Christian would feel sorry for all of the confusing going on in her head, it must be a tornado in there. I suspect too many Christians are at a point of enough is enough, now we are pass the time of turning the other cheek, to all we are subject to these days from all of the mentally deficient aberrations out there, now it is just assault and battery to all that we believe in, just my opinion
What are the cities and Counties area covered in house district #27?
Too many drugs perhaps…dude is obviously an angry weirdo who is not mentally well.
Citizens Press Staff, PLEASE STOP referring to this person as a she. Sadly Titone is a mentally ill biological male born with XY DNA and male anatomical parts to match. He lives in an alternate reality of his own making. He can pretend all he wants but will never, and I mean never, be a woman no matter what mutilation surgery he has, make-up he piles on, and hormones he ingests. Not sure why these people have the mental problems they have and whether some childhood trauma is the root cause. We as a society must stop feeding the delusion. We do not tell anorexics to go ahead and starve themselves just because they “see” themselves as fat. No different for this man’s delusion.
I do believe the first amendment is our most valuable right. The founding fathers
took for granted that we would have good and decent manners, which makes this person on a par with our president.
Our first amendment is our most valuable right. Unfortunately the founding fathers took for granted that we would have more dignity when it comes to our manners. This person is on a par with our president when it comes to that, so they have something in common.
How’d you like to run into that in an alley after a few too many beers..?
That would be a nasty surprise for sure. We are told the murder rate of transgenders is a problem. Perhaps it has to do with alley run ins like this? When some heterosexual guy thinks he is picking up a prostitute only to find the person he thought was a woman still has a p**** and t******** with a preference for a*** sex. Left out anatomically specific words just in case.
He’s a typical shithead communist faggot.