Colorado Public Health is Woke – Declares Racism Public Health Emergency

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Denver, CO – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is (as the kids say) woke, according to The Denver Post.

Executive Director Jill Hunsaker Ryan declared racism a public health emergency. Ryan claims the department will increase diversity in the department’s workforce and hire an “equity and inclusion officer.”

In doing so, Hunsaker Ryan said she has two goals: to increase diversity in the department’s workforce, which is almost 78% white, and make it easier for local community organizations that provide services to people of color to partner with the agency. She also plans to hire an equity and inclusion officer for the department, potentially by the end of August.

From The Denver Post

According to data from the United States Census Bureau, Colorado’s “White alone” population is 86.9 percent. If the CDPHE workforce is 78 percent white, it seems to us they are already pretty inclusive.

What this appears to be about is getting even. Those complaining want race to be taken into consideration when hiring.

If that is true, then being the most qualified candidate is not as important as your skin color.

This does not make any sense. Hiring with race in mind is inherently racist – whether it benefits whites or minorities.

This affirmative action nonsense is a large part of the divide in Colorado and the United States over the issue of race and racism.

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7 thoughts on “Colorado Public Health is Woke – Declares Racism Public Health Emergency

  1. MAybe she’ll like to give up HER position to someone ‘of color’.
    People need to be hired on their qualifications and race has nothing to do with whether they are qualified or not.
    Creating a new position to do what exactly? Waste more taxpayers money on nonsense? She needs to resign! We passed laws YEARS ago preventing bias in hiring due to race,etc. We don’t need a keeper nor anyone attempting to hire based on race. Race is not a ‘health emergency’ or any other kind of emergency. You are who and what you are- you’re either skilled or not.There a remedy for the unskilled, but there’s no cure for stupid, which is what it is to hire based on race. People must stand against this abuse of taxpayer money- and that means ALL people.

    1. That is a great point. Hunsaker Ryan should gladly take a demotion and allow a POC to fill her position. The demotion should come with a salary cut as well. I am going to send her an email suggesting just that. She needs to put her money where her mouth is. These nutjobs on the left preach and preach but live by “rules for thee but not for me.”

  2. Make sure to read the full Denver Post article at the link above. It is long but this caught my eye,
    “I like it when my employees push me on this issue to go faster and to use language they think is more descriptive,” Hunsaker Ryan said. So take it even faster and resign. Let Gov. Polis appoint a new Executive Director, a person of color, instead. Coloradans can direct public comments to the agency and ask for them to be forwarded to the leadership team here

  3. Hey! Here’s an idea! Let’s not hire people based on their skills, knowledge, abilities, and experience, you know, meritocracy. Let’s hire based on the color of the skin!! Woo-hoo! Am I brilliant or what?!! No one will be able to call ME racist!

  4. I agree that racism is NOT a public health emergency in Colorado. But I’ll tell you what is: “Wokism” and TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)!

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