One day after the legislative session, Colorado Peak Politics lambasted mothers opposing the overreaching forced vaccination bill. The shameful smear on mothers, who turned out by the hundreds to oppose the overreaching attack on parental rights, comes after the legislation’s demise.
The attack appeared under the winner’s section in the “winners and losers” article Peak Politics wrote on the legislative session. See the rude, and frankly misogynistic condemnation of a group of mothers who want nothing more than the best life for their children, below.

The elitist, country club Republicans behind the supposedly “conservative” bully pulpit of Colorado lost touch with the real conservative grassroots a long time ago. But then again, when you strut around in sweater vests and boat shoes every day, what else can you expect?
The simple truth of the matter is HB19-1312 was an attack on freedom that should never be tolerated by any conservative who believes in parental rights over government control.
If you wish to vaccinate your child, good for you. If you wish to skip some vaccinations, or all of them because you believe it is the best option for your child, good for you.
So why does Peak Politics support legislation all but forcing the injection of chemicals into your child’s body? Legislation expanding a comprehensive, government controlled database containing your child’s personal information
We thought conservatives stood for freedom and liberty, not government control over your child’s health. Peak Politics should immediately retract their statement, and apologize to the hundreds of mothers they insulted.
And after that, maybe they should consider removing “conservative” from their slogan because stunts like this prove they are nothing but Gucci wearing establishment Republicans who lost sight of their conservative base.
I know the article was meant to ruffle feathers, but it was distasteful and a disgrace to conservatives and beyond. Parental choice is not to be taken lightly and many were at the capital for 12+ hours…their young children need to eat. Shame Shame for this rude and careless article.
Thank you!
So many of the responses by proponents of HB19-1312 are fear-based and uneducated. While some may wish to spend their energy focused on these people, it’s important to put efforts toward what will ultimately prevail. Their reaction is meant to distract you and weaken the strong focus you have established. Remember while this is somewhat about vaccinations, it ultimately is about civil rights and having our freedoms taken away. Stay focused and send love to the name callers and mommy bashers. Move onward and upward!
Great article. Glad to see a journalist that’s willing to stand up to these crazed politicians and mouthpieces who call themselves journalists. I pray that you and the few like you are the beginnings of a media revolution.
Great article. Glad to see a journalist that’s willing to stand up to these crazed politicians and mouthpieces who call themselves journalists. I pray that you and the few like you are the beginnings of a media revolution.
Yes! Thank you @ColoradoCitizenPress! As a Republican, I was shocked that they said those things and even more so that they were supporting that bill! It goes against everything the Republican party is supposed to stand for! Personal and parental freedom over government intrusion… They should absolutely apologise!
Most antivaxxers were provax prior to their child’s last breath or last normal-day. It’s very shameful for people to judge them without listening to their very real life stories. Thankful for honest and good journalism such as this.
Thank you for writing this. This hatred for us vaccine-educated is growing to the point of persecution. Facebook is being disgustingly biased about what content “violates community standards” and that is not ok either!
I propose that we submit police reports for every death threat we receive, and in the reports name Colorado Peak Politics as enablers of such hate speech commentary.
Thank you!