Denver, CO – Colorado news media outlets are providing cover for Representative Brianna Titone’s troubled past.
An ad from conservative political group Take Back Colorado calls into question Representative Titone’s history, which included Titone’s run-in with the police back in 2012 when Titone’s then-girlfriend called law enforcement for a domestic violence dispute.
The ad, which surfaced two weeks ago in Representative Titone’s district, has drawn the attention of news outlets from the Denver Post all the way up to national news sources such as the Hill and NBC News. All of which have dismissed the ad as “transphobic” for using Representative Titone’s “dead-name,” a term for calling a transgender person by their birth name.
The incident occurred in 2012, before Titone transitioned from male to female, and the advertisement used Titone’s dead-name, “Brian,” in the past tense.
So far, media outlets have been more concerned with the “dead-name” controversy than they have been with the actual issues addressed in the ad. The Denver Post ignored the police report cited by Take Back Colorado and took Titone’s word for it.
The ad also cites multiple explicit tweets sent by Titone’s social media accounts, including references to genitalia and insulting members of law enforcement.
Leftist media outlets and Democrat legislators are providing political cover for Titone, who is in the middle of a heated re-election campaign. In the past, these same people were less forgiving in cases such as Former Representative Steve Lebsock, who was accused of sexual harassment.
You can watch Take Back Colorado’s ad below. You can also visit the website detailing Titone’s history at briannatitone.org.
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Ah……….ok then. A “chick-a-dudes” feelings outweigh natural law. Fine, but the so-called media suppress that fact that “she” has a legal history. Okie Dokie.
There is NO dead name when it comes to Brian masquerading as a woman. There is only the FAKE name he has co opted to match his mental delusion. No matter what make up he piles on, dresses he puts on, female hormones he takes, or mutilating surgery he undergoes his DNA will forever be male XY. The man is mentally ill and should be sitting in an asylum, not the state legislature.
Basket cases like that who are confused about which bathroom to go pee in do not possess the ability to make good decisions for the best intersts, well being and safety of our society.
I keep hearing rumors that Brian is sponsoring a misguided bill similar to California’s SB-145. If so, we’ll need to keep an eye on it to ensure that predators are not shielded in the name of “equality” and all of the other empty, social Marxism buzzwords.
One more thing. Is this “Brianna’s” dead link?
It appears as though the site is now defunct.
Colorado is a cesspool of gender dysphoria and unethical politicians. Mini mask nazi’s running around everywhere and ignorant lemming masses begging to become genetically modified organisms with a new transmutagenic vaccine. We are all rendered as victims of a hate crime every day of the week, having to suffer these insufferable Christian hating nuclear family hating psychopaths. Keep pushing, see what happens.
We’re moving out and Colorado can frigging suck it. Not a good place to raise a family anymore.
You know that Dominion and other tech systems are why CO was among the first to flip. They’ve been stealing the vote in Colorado for well over a decade. Recent vote fraud forensic investigations to online connectivity of voting systems clearly identified CO has being online… Report on that.
In the meantime, support Massresistance (dot) org, and AFA American Family Association. The two most influential groups at protecting the nuclear family from these psycopath gender benders. Even for those of us whom honestly were unbiased about these issues, the pervasive oppression of our traditional views has indeed radicalized us.