Colorado Legislative Calendar: January 28, 2020

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Denver, CO – Both the House and Senate convene at 9:00 A.M. this morning.

SB20-108 is being considered by Senate Local Government, today. It creates special protections for undocumented immigrants over landlords.

You can view schedules for the House, Senate, and committees below.

7:00 A.M.Legislative Audit CommitteeLSB BNo Agenda Posted | PDF
9:00 A.M.HouseHouse ChamberView Calendar
9:00 A.M.SenateSenate ChamberView Calendar
Upon AdjournmentHouse Business Affairs & LaborHCR 0107Agenda | PDF
Upon AdjournmentHouse Health & InsuranceHCR 0112Agenda | PDF
Upon AdjournmentHouse Transportation & Local GovernmentLSB AAgenda | PDF
Upon AdjournmentJoint Budget CommitteeJBCAgenda
1:30 P.M.House EducationHCR 0107Agenda | PDF
1:30 P.M.House JudiciaryHCR 0112Agenda | PDF
1:30 P.M.House State, Veterans, & Military AffairsLSB AAgenda | PDF
2:00 P.M.Joint Budget CommitteeJBCAgenda
2:00 P.M.Senate FinanceSCR 357Agenda | PDF
2:00 P.M.Senate Local GovernmentSCR 354Agenda | PDF
2:00 P.M.Senate Transportation & EnergySCR 352Agenda | PDF
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