So, the 2019 legislative session was bad for so many reasons including the Red Flag bill, well it’s about to get worse here in Colorful Colorado. According to CBS 4’s Shaun Boyd, the legislature is out of session, but the gun grabbers are still hard at work.
Boulder lefty Democrat Congressman Joe Neguse calls a meeting of the top gun grabbers in Colorado and one (shocking news here!!!) Congressman from California. As you can see from the video/picture this meeting included Neguse, State House Majority Leader Alec “I wear a bullet-proof vest” Garnett, State Senator Brittany “Heroin Injection Site” Pettersen, and State Representative Tom “Red Flag Gun Grab” Sullivan, and anti-gun activist Tom Mauser. Rounding out the gun grabbers is, of course, the leader of the gun grab coalition in Congress, House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Congressman Mike Thompson from California.
Opinionated editorial discretion here: where was the balance? No one invited from a pro-civil liberties group? Also, although Shaun Boyd on a sliding scale does a better job than most people in the press on balance, why didn’t she interview anyone who was against possible legislation?
A quick summation of the news story is: Local Dem congressman wants to bring Colorado gun control to Congress and pass national laws.
But it gets worse for us in Colorado. For those of us hoping Red Flag was the extent of the Dems’ overreach and thinking after the Galindo resignation they would dial it back a bit, our hope was quashed.
Let’s just look at what Alec Garnett, the left-wing Dem Colorado State House Majority Leader, explicitly said:
In fact, Democratic House Majority Leader Alec Garnett says look for more gun control in the state legislature in 2020, including bills to regulate 3-D guns, require safe storage of guns, and implement a waiting period for gun purchases.
We’re pretty sure this is just the beginning. Our guess is you’re reading this and thinking, we’ll Recall the Governor and some legislators and stop this. Well, that hasn’t happened yet. Then you’re probably thinking, we’ll take back Colorado in 2020 and 2022. Well, yeah – we can. But if history is a guide, once laws are on the books, they’re extremely difficult to repeal.
Damage is done, can we fix this? Yes, but we can’t just elect any ole Republican. We need to elect principled people willing to do the right thing. Remember, there were Republicans that supported really bad things like the Sex Ed Bill.
We’ve said it once, we’ve said it almost 100 times: ELECTIONS MATTER!
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What part of “shall not be infringed “ don’t you understand? Do you need to google it?
Cliché sayings aren’t going to “cut” it Anthony. Until the Republicans in Colorado fight back “nasty” you’ll see your liberties taken away one law at a time by liberal “communists”. Ask me how I know.
No byline?
You do not speak for Colorado
So with the Democratic retards in office they aren’t going to stop there we all know this. It is already hard Enuff to purchase a gun in this state and now they want to make it even harder.
What about Vets like me who like to hunt or go to the range or even have guns for self defense
Guns do not walk into a facility and start randomly shooting. This is a people issue. We need to address the people issue. Do not infringe on our countries amendments. They were created for a reason.
It’s time for citizens to flat say NO. The Constitutional Rights bestowed upon us as Americans have been under assault and our elected public servants are off the rails. If “We The People” don’t stand up and say no to violations of our rights we can kiss it all goodbye. Government has violated our rights for too long, they have no rights to ban any firearm or any other rights. Period. Time to tell them to Go Pound Sand.
Why don’t the politicians understand that if they help us keep our guns they would get the votes.
They want a disarmed populace who will be slaves for the NWO. Look at the border crisis, and there has been one for a long time. These liberal idiots just keep pushing, and pushing thinking these people will not do anything. Well recall seems to have failed because there wasn’t ..you pick the reason, no volunteers ,money, guts? What they don’t understand is what Newt Gingrich said a while back we are in a Civil War and it hasn’t gotten violent yet but it will if we are pushed into change most Coloradoans don’t want.