Denver, CO – On Tuesday, Senate Democrats passed House Bill 1153, the so-called “Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Services Act.” After going to the House for a conference committee, it’s expected that eager supporter of the bill Governor Jared Polis will sign it into law.
The bill formalizes and expands the collective bargaining powers for the Democrat-aligned Union Bosses that started in 2007 with an executive order from Governor Ritter.
State employees will be forced to accept representation from Colorado WINS, the state government employees union, whether or not they want the representation.
In addition, the bill requires employee’s personal information to be turned over the Union to harass them into being a full dues-paying member.
This Big Labor power grab comes with a heavy cost in a year with an unprecedented budget crisis. The bill will require the state to hire 62 new employees to administer collective bargaining.
“Sen. Dominick Moreno, a Commerce City Democrat and vice-chair of the Joint Budget Committee, said the bill would get its $7 million … And that will leave the 2020-21 budget out of balance by $7 million, he admitted.”
From Colorado Politics
With school, roads, and essentials services being cut, along with the potential repeal of the Homestead Exemption on the backs of seniors and veterans, every Democrat in the legislature voted to side with Big Labor.
Colorado WINS
TRACER reports that WINS has spent about $500,000 in direct contributions but has likely spent millions in support of Democrats thanks to Federal Labor Law, which prevents transparency in union financial disclosures.
The state employees union Colorado WINS since 2007 has been a major financial contributor to Democrats and leftist causes and supplied Democrats with phone banks, get-out-the-vote drives, and “volunteer” campaign organizing work by union staff who remain on the union payroll built off dues and fees that are often forced from state workers. The fact is that union bosses’ direct PAC contributions to candidates are just the tip of the iceberg.
Colorado WINS has been instrumental in electing Governor Polis and the Democrat majority who passed this bill. Elected Democrats are giving the state’s Union Bosses a lucrative handout in control of public employees at the expense of ordinary citizens.
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While it is wrong that they passed this bill i will remind you it is federally illegal for them to force state workers to join. WINS is SEIU and yes they are crooked. However the Supreme court has ruled per the JANUS ruling that they cannot take dues from public employees. Expect to see lawsuits if they deduct dues without employees opting in.
A couple of facts: Colorado WINS represents about 30,000 folks who take care of veterans in state veterans homes, people with developmental disabilities in state facilities, handle unemployment claims for folks thrown out of work and other jobs that are kind of important and/or risky right now. Since 2007 their union has donated some $500k, mostly to support ballot initiatives, not politicians.
Meanwhile, according to TRACER, the Anschutz family – relatives of billionaire Philip Anschutz – have donated $814,000 since 2007 – mostly to Republican Party committees and candidates.
Who do you think has more influence on Colorado politics: Phil Anschutz or the 30,000 folks who take care of our vulnerable people, handle unemployment claims, provide public health information…