Denver, CO – Colorado Democrats’ socialist agenda can continue at the Colorado State Legislature after the COVID-19 crisis, according to the Colorado Supreme Court.
This is according to The Colorado Sun.
The narrow, 4-3 decision undermines Colorado’s Constitution and the will of the people who amended it in the 1980s. The amendment requires the legislative session to end after 120 consecutive days.
The original date for adjournment was May 6, 2020. The Colorado General Assembly temporarily recessed on March 14 in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Due to the decision, Democrats are getting their way with Joint Rule 44(g), adopted in 2009 during the H1N1 epidemic. It triggered for the first time when Governor Jared Polis declared an emergency due to a health crisis.
Republicans challenged the rule, but Colorado’s liberal-leaning Supreme Court upheld it on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Justices Monica M. Márquez, Richard L. Gabriel, Melissa Hart, and William W. Hood ruled in the majority.
That means the legislature can meet after May 6, 2020. More importantly, that means the socialist agenda envisioned by Polis and his Democrat-controlled legislature is still alive and well.
Just a few of these agenda items include intrusive gun-control measures, Polis-care (worse than Obamacare), tax hikes, and an unaffordable paid leave.
Justice Carlos A. Samour Jr. wrote the dissenting opinion. He was joined by Chief Justice Nathan Coats and Justice Brian Boatright.
“I acknowledge that these are unprecedented times — we are in the throes of a worldwide pandemic precipitated by COVID-19,” Samour wrote. “But neither COVID-19 nor any other imaginable emergency allows our legislature to amend the state constitution through a statute, let alone a legislative rule like Joint Rule 44(g). … The people of Colorado should be extremely concerned about Rule 44(g) and its implications for the future of our wonderful state.”
From: The Colorado Sun
Samour said the rule is an excuse to “usurp Coloradans’ exclusive right to amend their constitution.”
Basically, the Democrats in control of Colorado do not care about the Constitution of Colorado or the Constitution of the United States of America. All they care about is passing socialist laws, increasing the tax burden for Coloradans, and otherwise fundamentally changing Colorado’s way of life.
It is unclear at this time when the Colorado Generally Assembly might (unconstitutionally) reconvene.
What is clear, is that Colorado is in for more trouble after Polis’ lifts his tyrannical mandates that are wrecking Colorado’s economy.
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