A Colorado Springs Woman is petitioning the Mayor and city council to change the name of Trump Avenue to “Immigrant Avenue.”
The street, named in 1959, likely has nothing to do with current President Donald Trump. But, Nina Ellis Frischmann wants to change the name anyway, claiming Trump is a racist and that it is about the “perception.” Oh, and it all started because of a game she is playing with her friends.
Frischmann says the idea actually started as part of a game. She and her friends are taking part in the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt (GISH), an event created by actor Misha Collins from the series Supernatural. One of the items on the list is to try and change the name of a street sign that represents a racist, a war criminal, or a derogatory term.
Julia Donovan, KRDO, August 1st, 2019
You read that correctly. Changing and eliminating history is now a game.
To be clear, we do not support racists, war criminals, or the use of derogatory terms. But, we are concerned that this game will be weaponized to create controversy. That may not always be the best thing for residents in affected neighborhoods.
So, anything named “Trump,” even if it has nothing to do with the President, is now racist? We quietly watched this concept unfold on major news networks over the last week, and now this petition pops up. It all seems ridiculous to us.
Trump Avenue Petition
Colorado Springs does allow citizens to petition for changes to street names, but Frischmann has not officially filed. She did, however, launch a petition on Change.org, an online petition site that often promotes social justice projects.
The petition has gathered well over 1,200 online signatures and touts a goal of 1,500. It seems to be gathering traction as it gained over 50 signatures in the time it took to write this article.
It appears the site accepts signatures from outside of Colorado Springs, which seems unfair to residents whose voices may be overshadowed by online discourse. Frischmann reportedly plans to submit an official petition to the city.
After visiting several sources, it appears residents’ opinions are split on the matter. We only hope the city does the right thing and puts residents first in this process.
Local governing decisions should not be affected by national coverage of an online petition. We hope the Colorado Springs government respects that separation.
You can watch the Fox News coverage below:
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Leave it, this insane hate is out of control. President Trump is doing a lot of good for our country. Allowing illegal immigrants only delays the process for those trying to enter legally and opens the door to a world of trouble.
If you want to change it to fit reality, you need to call it ILLEGAL ALIENS Ave. Leave it alone!
Yes, leave the street sign! it’s been there since the 50’s when the neighborhood was started. I live a couple of blocks from there. This street sign has absolutely nothing to do with our president, the hatred is getting out of control
Those brain fried wackos in the Springs are at it again…