Denver, CO – Climate activist group Sunrise Movement handed out a fake letter at the Sustainable Denver Summit according to CPR.
Sunrise Movement wrote the deceptive letter but dressed it up as if it were from the city. The group then falsely signed the letter from Denver’s Office of Sustainability. Sunrise Colorado even took to Twitter to spread the false statement.
Not surprisingly, many people believed the letter was authentic. Some Twitter users even retweeted the fake news, including Sunrise Boulder. In response, the Denver Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency announced the letter was a lie at the summit.
Both Sunrise Colorado and Sunrise Boulder are major proponents of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outlandish Green New Deal. The economy destroying proposal is a clear identifier of radical left climate activists.
Sunrise claims the letter was a success. However, it is hard to imagine the stunt doing anything to help radical climate activists. If anything, the outright lie is an utter embarrassment.
The lie demonstrates many climate activists’ complete lack of respect for differing opinions. It also shows these people might employ unethical and deceptive strategies at any time – all in the name of their green religion.
If these groups want to be taken seriously, they might try to avoid lying in the future. We certainly will not believe their next press release.
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