We wanted to highlight this opinion piece from USA Today. To be blunt (we haven’t covered this in about a month), when things don’t fit the narrative in the press, they don’t talk about it.
There was a tragedy in Japan that killed 34 people.
We can almost guarantee you didn’t hear about the incident, despite the fact it should be front-page news. This looks like it was arson, and this is still considered murder. But why didn’t you hear about this? Because it didn’t involve the MSM’s favorite inanimate object to demonize – firearms.
As the author points out, unless a mass killing involves guns or terrorism, the press just doesn’t cover it. This is because it just doesn’t fit the guns are bad and should be banned narrative.
The press will ignore the fire, knives, cars (how many people are killed by/in vehicles per year) because it just isn’t part of the sexy anti-gun narrative.
It doesn’t matter how life is lost, this is all horrible, and we pray for the victims and their families in Kyoto, Japan. But we’re calling out the MSM on this one, report the news even if it doesn’t fit your narrative.
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