Denver, CO – Communist City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca wants to replace the Denver Police Department with a “peace force.”
CdeBaca filed the bill Thursday. If approved by the Denver City Council, the ballot measure will ask voters to decide if Denver should replace its police force with CdeBaca’s so-called “peace force.”
CdeBaca’s bill creates a “Department of Peacekeeping Services.” The Department of Peacekeeping will subsume the Denver Police Department and “all relevant functions of existing departments that more properly should be under the Department of Peace Services.”
Even progressive Mayor Michael Hancock, who did not wear a mask or social distance while marching with BLM protesters, opposes CdeBaca’s proposal.
We can easily see why.
CdeBaca’s bill contains racist hiring practices and will make Denver less safe.
The Peacekeeping Force “shall adopt an affirmative action policy in which an individual’s color, race, sex, religion, or national origin” matter more than merit.
The text states, “merit shall not userp the requirement that the members of the force be substantially representative of the demographics of the community they serve.”
CdeBaca’s bill literally requires recruitment to be based on the color of their skin, as well as other demographic information. It also requires color, race, sex, etc. to be a priority for promotion.
You might be the most qualified person for the job in CdeBaca’s proposed Department of Peacekeeping Services, but if your skin is the wrong color, you don’t deserve the job.
Two wrongs do not make a right, and discriminating against innocent people based on their race and the color of their skin is wrong.
What do you think?
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LOL what planet is she from?
She’s so out there that her dimension is light years away from this one!
I am totally dumbfounded by Chitty Baca’s totally dumb idea. I am so disappointed in today’s Colorado voters. I cannot believe that the majority of our state’s voters are so dumb that they actually voted for the uber-liberal idiot’s (from the governor on down) now comprising our state’s government. And the truly sad thing is they’re too dumb to even realize how dumb they really are! And when our state goes down the toilet bowl (it has already begun), they won’t even realize it was their fault. Like everything in life, you get what you pay (i.e., vote) for. However, in this case, it is us sane individuals that will have suffer along with idiots.
“Peace” and “Force” don’t go together. Sounds tyrannical to me.
I like all of the comments above, I know there are many more out there and I encourage then to voice their opinions, it helps get a conversation going, gets more people engaged, move toward a plan of action that will be needed in the weeks and year to come. As for the city of denver, they have become their own comedy club, with all of what they say and do, especially the mayor, city council, with the other denizens in the city encouraging them on, re-electing the comedians, starting there own Kabuki theater. The sad part is that people are accepting of these aberrations, as well as the other cities, town, counties in the state with a similar bent, a proclivity for being stupid. One has to wonder where these aberrations hide, does the public even know where these aberrations live, and why has not a few gone and confronted these aberrations in their dens, or are they all of like minded? Now think about there aberrations and supporter vote, just look who they elect to office in cities, towns, counties at the capital, at which point some realize we as a country is in deep trouble for our survival , think about it
Wasn’t there an old west pistol called the “peacemaker”?
Hey! This is great because there won’t be any traffic enforcement anymore. State law says only state-certified peace officers can make traffic stops, which are really brief arrests. Candi’s “peace force” won’t have any arrest powers and probably won’t stop minorities in order to have equitable policing.
Ooops! No police just “peace force.” No law enforcement at all. The crooks will be laughing all the way into your home and business. After all, they are just redistributing your property to those who “need” it.
Denver’s already a pigsty for the criminally minded, so sure, remove the Police and turn it into a shitehole. Denver’s the Colorado Branch Office of the Peoples Republic of California. Cali Commie Pinkos run the whole area.
It’s not that the communists want to defund the police as much as it is they want to be the police. Bring in the UN strong cities initiatives/network.
They seek a monopoly on or of the force so they can transform our police into a political gestapo they will use against the American patriots and anti-communist dissenters down the road when they gain those controls.
Armed citizens is the simple answer, defend each others businesses and homes and neighbors.