Denver, CO – The Colorado Department of Health & Environment (CDPHE) is adding unconfirmed and “equivalent” deaths to the Colorado COVID-19 totals.
Totals deaths are expected to increase by about 130 with the additions.
That will include adding the “probable” deaths from COVID-19. The department said a death will be classified as “probable” if the person who died was a resident of Colorado who had no known positive lab tests for the coronavirus but still has their cause of death listed as COVID-19 or equivalent on their death certificate.
From The Denver Channel
It is one thing to add deaths to the total when COVID-19 is the cause listed on the official death certificate.
It is entirely different to add “equivalent” cases that are not confirmed.
It is not clear what these “equivalent” causes of death include. Does “equivalent” include flu-like symptoms, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or other ailments?
This kind of data tampering is one reason few people believe the data is accurate.
The CDPHE under Governor Jared Polis’ lead is doing a disservice to Coloradans by including all of these deaths in the total count.
A better option is to include these deaths as a separate total. They should be reported, but separately, so Coloradans have another data point to consider.
Many people are doing their own research, and the data is often contradictory from study to study and state to state.
It seems to us that Polis is looking to cover up the (underreported) scandal where he blocked private labs from testing for COVID-19. If Polis had not blocked labs from testing patients for COVID-19, some of these additional deaths might have been confirmed!
We are not saying many of these additional deaths are not due to COVID-19. But the fact of the matter is, they are not confirmed. As such, it is irresponsible to lump unconfirmed and potentially unrelated deaths into the total death statistic for Colorado.
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He’s just following the guidelines of the CDC. They have actually directed coroners to falsify death certificates by listing cause of death as cv whether the patient actually died from it or some other condition. Now why would they do that? To usher in the new world order, that’s why. And Trump isn’t fighting it.